That possum clawed one of my old girls! Help⁉️

I could also do a video of giving a shot if that would help.
Anything will be helpful at this point. I haven't been to sleep since Monday night. At all, not even a nap. Tuesday night is the night I found the opossum. And it was pouring down freezing rain, I was missing five of my girls. I had to look for them. Then I find them out sitting in snow in the freezing rain. I was so mad at that possum when I saw that, I just had to shoot him. So I did. Then when I finally got all my girls took care of, it was 2:30am and the hubby was getting up for work. Cooked his breakfast and made his lunch.
But the night before when I was drying my girls, I discovered that a couple of them had poop balls stuck to their booties. So my Wednesday was taken up with cleaning them up, and it was the day I had planned to do the coop cleaning. While cleaning and inspecting everyone, I found my Bertha in this condition. And y'all know the rest. So, here I am.
No! I do not want a video. I want a live person telling me what to do! LOL. I'll take anything I can get! Honestly, you all have been too kind. I love y'all so much for staying with me like this. I hope I learn enough from all of you, that I can "Pay it Forward" one of these days. That would be my greatest ambitious dream right now. To make someone feel that they are capable of doing whatever has to be done for the sake of their little feathered baby. The way I feel just knowing that I have you all.
Thank you
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Most antibiotics can be given orally as long as the chicken is alert and can swallow. What drug does your vet want to give? If it is Baytril or something like that, oral works well. And Injectable baytril is routinely given orally. If you absolutely have to give an injection, we will help you, but I think an oral med will be fine.
I totally agree with @Eggcessive , almost every antibiotic can be given orally. And yes, even some that are labeled as injectables.

Let’s get past this issue for a moment and get an update on the little hen.
How is she feeling?
Did she eat this afternoon?
How are her poops?
How is her friend?

Tonight is the night that you need to turn off the light so they can get solid, undisturbed sleep.
Remember sleep is restorative to animals. It’s when new cells are formed. They must sleep to heal.

That means you as well! Caretakers need to remember to eat and sleep too! After the birds are tucked in for the night, id like YOU to put on your jammies and watch a little tv or read or whatever helps to unwind and get some solid sleep tonight.

Staying awake won’t help her.
If you get sick you won’t be able to care for her.

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