The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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One real possible side effect of not getting the shot is getting COVID yourself, or worse, unknowingly passing it on to someone else. I have a good friend who lost three family members to COVID in a matter of weeks. These people did not live together. Two were old and fragile, but the third was a robust construction worker in his forties. He came down with COVID and two weeks later he was dead. He left a wife and two little girls.
Praying for the family.
It’s real, it’s hard. What all we can do is take the necessary precautions and listen to science. There are lies out there but the existence of COVID-19 and its danger are not them.
Also, FWIW, I had COVID in March 2020 after coming back from a wedding in Texas when it was still a crazy thing going on in China. Horribly sick for two weeks, struggling to breathe, high fever, cough. We assumed it was an insane cold. I now know it was COVID, and I'm getting the vaccine to protect not only myself from reinfection, but to prevent any possibility of passing it on to others.
I cannot fathom that there is any reason for someone/s to purposely kill millions of people, as well as financially and emotionally ruin millions of others.
What makes you think it's fake?
It being a bioweapon wouldn't make it "fake". With that said, I think it's unlikely to be a bioweapon.
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