The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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It is a pandemic !
Let’s start with basic definitions:
  • AN EPIDEMIC is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population, or region.
  • A PANDEMIC is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents.
Covid-19 has its origin probably because people were infected by , or ate strange animals. And after they discovered what it was , it already spread over Wuhan/ China and the rest of the world.

Covid 19 is different but like SARS and Ebola. These viruses spread quickly and are dangerous.

If so many people wouldn’t fly all over the world it wouldn’t have spread so fast. Traveler's spread is all over the world.
Another reason why this virus could spread so fast is that not everyone gets badly sick. And people who are infected (often not very sick) can easily spread the virus.

If government’s hadn’t interfered. Like confining people to stay home/ distancing and such. Much more people would have gotten sick and would have died. I am glad most governments took precautions because if they hadn’t it would have spread much faster and we would have more variants.

Read about Brazil and India (on trustworthy news site’s) . Read what happened there and in other countries and I hope you understand that partying and crowds are dangerous. Especially in badly ventilated spaces.

In my country last year more people died of cancer and other diseases as before Covid-19 , because health care was not functioning as normal. Treatments and operations were postponed because the hospital's we’re full. Some people didn’t go to their doctors in time because they thougt it could wait. Intakes we’re often done by phone and this results more often in wrong diagnosis.
This means that Covid not only caused more sick (people still have fatigue problems) and death directly but also more sick and death because health care didn’t function as well as it did before Covid-19.

I didn’t loose any close relative by Covid itself. But I did loose a relative to be because a dear relative got cervical cancer . This wasn’t seen in an early stage because the apointment for a check up was missed because of Covid. She got pregnant and because she lost blood during her pregnancy she had tests (urgent) and then they found the cancer. The baby couldn’t survive. The cancer was treated and is gone now, but the mother still has health problems.
This is just one Covid related story. But there are many more real live stories like that. So don’t tel me or anyone that this Covid thing is not a pandemic. 😤
ily @BDutch, and thank you!
Oh dear :)
Sorry, but this is America. Land of the free. If you dont like it, you can move somewhere else where the government makes all the choices for you. Where you have no say in what you can or cannot do.
I am not putting anyone's lives at risk. If someone else chooses to go outside, live their life, without a vaccine, that is their choice. If you are so scared, you can stay home. Order your groceries, wear a mask, social distance, get vaccinated. That is your choice.

Can't you understand? Those who are scared will take all the precautions and won't get sick, don't you believe that your little mask and vaccine is going to protect you?
Those who don't will be "risking" themselves and no one else. And you know what? We aren't going to get sick and die.
If you are a healthy person you will be fine. Even plenty of older people, or people with health issues have made it through covid.
This whole thing is ridiculous.

My body my choice 😘
@BDutch doesn’t live in America.
Saying that everyone who doesn’t live in America has no control over their lives is a pretty bold statement.
I’m most likely not getting mine until at least October. I’m hoping for a miracle, but it isn’t looking overly hopeful. If you can get the Vaccine GET IT. It will help protect the more vulnerable people, like children and seniors. It will also help protect people who can’t get the vaccine due to health reasons. I have a friend and she is allergic to lots of things, so she can’t get the vaccine because of all the risks involved. By you getting the vaccine you’ll help protect your community and the ones you love. The corona virus is also so new that we are yet to know most of the effects it may pose on children, teens, and young adults, as they get older. So please do what you can to keep yourself and everyone around you safe, and please get vaccinated as soon as you can. (Sorry I’m a bit late to the “party”)
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