The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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You've done a great job of making me aware of how wrong I am in assessing people. Self evaluation is a great gift.
Why whatever do you mean by that? I've gone and changed your opinion of my character by expressing my feelings just like everyone else has. Darn I hate that.
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I got my first dose of the Pfizer about a week and a half ago, and I will be very relieved once I get my second shot in a couple weeks. I train regularly at a close contact gym, and the peace of mind I will get from being vaccinated will be amazing. I have been constantly worried about getting COVID and then giving it to my family, especially since my parents are at risk because of their age
@Dottie the Chicken, if you have a problem with me getting vaccinated so that I don’t accidentally kill my parents, please keep it to yourself.
Only you know the true reason your still wearing it. I believe the majority of people are still wearing them are doing it for the feel goods they are getting from being such a good citizen.
Or like someone else said to keep other folks from being inconvieniantly uncomfortable.
Some are attached to them like security blankets.
Some view it as a political statement.
Only the mask wearer knows their true motivations deep down.
So what you're saying is that when you accused someone of virtue signaling because they wear a mask, you were essentially doing it to virtue signal? That seems really complicated, and crazy.
So what you're saying is that when you accused someone of virtue signaling because they wear a mask, you were essentially doing it to virtue signal? That seems really complicated, and crazy.
Ah shucks, I never looked at it like that. Thanks for enlightening me! 😂

I just think everyone has got mask hysteria. I doubt that the mask mandates done much good slowing the spread. And now we have people who don't want masks to end even after vaccination for the sake of the very small chance they could possibly still transmit it to the unvaccinated.
I think the unvaccinated should carry the burdon of responsibility to keep their own self safe as much as possible and quit worrying about what everyone else does.
I feel like when someone kind of just randomly let's us all know about their supurb masking habits that it is a pretty safe assumption they are expecting to get lots of pats on the back and at a girl/boys. I like to shake things up a bit and just say the opposite of what's expected. 😝

You know what's crazy? People who go for a walk outside, alone, and still wear their mask.
Now THAT is crazy to me.

Charlize Theron Fight GIF
Ah shucks, I never looked at it like that. Thanks for enlightening me! 😂

I just think everyone has got mask hysteria. I doubt that the mask mandates done much good slowing the spread. And now we have people who don't want masks to end even after vaccination for the sake of the very small chance they could possibly still transmit it to the unvaccinated.
I think the unvaccinated should carry the burdon of responsibility to keep their own self safe as much as possible and quit worrying about what everyone else does.
I feel like when someone kind of just randomly let's us all know about their supurb masking habits that it is a pretty safe assumption they are expecting to get lots of pats on the back and at a girl/boys. I like to shake things up a bit and just say the opposite of what's expected. 😝

You know what's crazy? People who go for a walk outside, alone, and still wear their mask.
Now THAT is crazy to me.

Charlize Theron Fight GIF
Ah shucks, I never looked at it like that. Thanks for enlightening me! 😂

I just think everyone has got mask hysteria. I doubt that the mask mandates done much good slowing the spread. And now we have people who don't want masks to end even after vaccination for the sake of the very small chance they could possibly still transmit it to the unvaccinated.
I think the unvaccinated should carry the burdon of responsibility to keep their own self safe as much as possible and quit worrying about what everyone else does.
I feel like when someone kind of just randomly let's us all know about their supurb masking habits that it is a pretty safe assumption they are expecting to get lots of pats on the back and at a girl/boys. I like to shake things up a bit and just say the opposite of what's expected. 😝

You know what's crazy? People who go for a walk outside, alone, and still wear their mask.
Now THAT is crazy to me.

Charlize Theron Fight GIF
I would like to point out that certain age groups in many places can’t get the vaccine. Children under the age of 12 can’t get the vaccine anywhere. As much as in 6 months this may be true, for now we have to wear masks to protect those who are unable to get the vaccine due to they’re age. I think for the next few years whenever you visit a hospital (for visiting) you’ll have to wear a mask because people with some illnesses can’t get the vaccine. Masks did help stop the spread to a point, but unless everyone is wearing one it is still possible to get COVID-19.
I would like to point out that certain age groups in many places can’t get the vaccine. Children under the age of 12 can’t get the vaccine anywhere. As much as in 6 months this may be true, for now we have to wear masks to protect those who are unable to get the vaccine due to they’re age. I think for the next few years whenever you visit a hospital (for visiting) you’ll have to wear a mask because people with some illnesses can’t get the vaccine. Masks did help stop the spread to a point, but unless everyone is wearing one it is still possible to get COVID-19.
I do hear what your saying. But lots of people want to see masks indefinitely. Maybe it'll be better in 6 months maybe it won't.
Perhaps masks may be approporiate and helpful in places like hospitals where there are known risks, and very crowded events where you are unable to spread out. If the masks were worn approporiatly and not some tiny piece of cloth cut from a child's sock that I see a lot of people half arsed hanging from their ears. 😂

And maybe we should also ban the consumption and sales of peanut butter and nuts to protect those with peanut allergies until someone finds a cure for that.
I just learned recently that peopld who've had organ transplants and are on immunosuppressants to prevent rejection, are not developing the antibodies that eould provide an immune response when they get the Covid vaccine. They remain just as vulnerable as if they never got the vaccine. I remember how careful we had to be during my first husband's treatment for leukemia while he was immunocompromised. It was actually kind of terrifying until there was evidence his new bone marrow was kicking in and starting to protect him. I know how vulnerable those people must feel, and how dependant they are on all the rest of us to do those things that will protect them: Wash your hands. Cover your cough. Keep your distance. And get the vaccine.
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