The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I believe the majority of people are still wearing them are doing it for the feel goods they are getting from being such a good citizen.
it IS about being a good citizen, but it's not about boosting my ego because of it. Or "feeling good" because I'm being a good citizen, or whatever you would like to call it.
Here in Hawaii, the aloha is everywhere... Most people are thinking of others, trying to keep others safe. I wear my mask because the elders of my island deserve to be kept safe, and they don't need to worry about if I am vaccinated, or not> because I will be wearing my mask anyway. For me, and for most people here, it's about reassuring others that they are safe. That they don't need to worry about ME giving them Covid, because they don't know that I am vaccinated. it's aloha. be kind to others, be kind to yourself. i will be good to my island, to it's people, and I will continue to wear my mask. ❤️❤️
(none of this is directed at you @shawluvsbirds, just wanted to share my opinion on the reasons behind mask wearing *or the reason I wear a mask, I guess)🙏☺️
I still don't understand why that's a factor in how we should respond to the spread of covid. It's like suggesting serial killers are scary but don't really kill that large a percentage of the population, so it makes more economic sense to just ignore them. Or that tornados kill even fewer people, so we're wasting resources warning people about tornados.

Death is far from the only consequence. And if you express deaths as a percentage of the population you can, shockingly, make a half millon deaths and thousands more daily seem inconsequential. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." It's less about the numbers than how you present them. You also seem unable go imagine how much worse things would be if the government had followed the initial strategy of keeping the economy opened and hoping for a positive outcome.

Or how bad they could get again when so many of the people unwilling to comply with masking, social distancing, and other basic protocols are allowed to "return to normal" without ever having done anything to limit transmission. Because, unlike what many people want to believe, diseases aren't going to magically disappear.
Because first off, the 500K is due to a gross upward estimation. They included pneumonia and influenza in those counts, and if someone had any symptoms of COVID (even a cough) and died, it was counted as COVID. So you have people in LTF who spend their lives in bed and are so frail that a sneeze would send them on. They get any sort of lung infection, and it’s over. Getting pnemonia when you’re young and healthy can kill you; your chances increase exponentially when you don’t move from a supine position..ever. Couple that with three + major comorbidities... That’s why the mortality rate is higher in the upper age groups. The body can only fight things so well when it’s been abused for half of a century.

Where did I say we shouldn’t have done anything to protect the at-risk? We should have quarantined them. And then vaccinated them if they wanted it. And if people in risk pools lower than a tenth of a percentage point want to get it, they should too. You aren’t my child and I have no business telling you or any other adult what to do, nor would I ever try. I don’t have control issues / I’m no Karen - definitely not going to tattle on someone not wearing a mask outside or ask for the manager In this lifetime. If the same courtesy could be returned, that would be just great.
This is an excellent point and so often overlooked. Long-term fatigue, inability to work, potential organ damage. All these consequences are going to be dealt with in the future, and *all* of our health insurance costs are going to increase because of it.

Those who do not get vaccinated will eventually be getting healthcare paid for by the health insurance premiums paid by all of us, including those who did the right thing and got vaccinated. In that respect, anti-vaxxers may be the true socialists.
There are much worse outcomes due to lifestyle-related choices, but we don’t seem too concerned with that. Where is the outrage? Did you know that obesity and related diseases are the overwhelming burden on the healthcare system today and are increasing at an alarming rate? COVID will be a blip on the radar comparatively.

My natural immunity is better than your vaccine immunity, so maybe I’m the one paying for your healthcare. Funny thing is, people always cite these “long term unknowns” due to COVID. As if plenty of people don’t use it as an excuse not to work when the govt is incentivizing laziness.

You know what else is unknown? Long term COVID vaccine reactions. Nothing to see here, though...move along!
Because first off, the 500K is due to a gross upward estimation.
This plus countless people who may have survived if they had received early treatment that doctors were prevented from providing. I find it curious that drugs that seemed to be helping covid patients get better were so highly debated. But the vaccine was being promoted before it was even ready to roll out.
There are much worse outcomes due to lifestyle-related choices, but we don’t seem too concerned with that. Where is the outrage? Did you know that obesity and related diseases are the overwhelming burden on the healthcare system today and are increasing at an alarming rate? COVID will be a blip on the radar comparatively.

My natural immunity is better than your vaccine immunity, so maybe I’m the one paying for your healthcare. Funny thing is, people always cite these “long term unknowns” due to COVID. As if plenty of people don’t use it as an excuse not to work when the govt is incentivizing laziness.

You know what else is unknown? Long term COVID vaccine reactions. Nothing to see here, though...move along!
This thread is for people to celebrate getting vaccinated, please take your negativity elsewhere. We are not here to talk about how “more people die from other things, other than COVID.”
we came here to talk about how happy we are that we are not going to die from COVID. I don’t see you talking about how happy you are, so please butt out. This thread is NOT made for people to come here and argue about COVID. Please remember that.
There are much worse outcomes due to lifestyle-related choices, but we don’t seem too concerned with that. Where is the outrage? Did you know that obesity and related diseases are the overwhelming burden on the healthcare system today and are increasing at an alarming rate? COVID will be a blip on the radar comparatively.

My natural immunity is better than your vaccine immunity, so maybe I’m the one paying for your healthcare. Funny thing is, people always cite these “long term unknowns” due to COVID. As if plenty of people don’t use it as an excuse not to work when the govt is incentivizing laziness.

You know what else is unknown? Long term COVID vaccine reactions. Nothing to see here, though...move along!
This plus countless people who may have survived if they had received early treatment that doctors were prevented from providing. I find it curious that drugs that seemed to be helping covid patients get better were so highly debated. But the vaccine was being promoted before it was even ready to roll out.
Exactly - and any MD who spoke out in support of the malaria drug was tarred and feathered and bullied into submission. Same with anyone who said it was lab-created, or the woman from John’s Hopkins who released a study about the net-neutral impact to death year over year. If you go against the government rhetoric, you were (and still are) finished.

I still want to know why NAC was recently pulled as an OTC supplement. Years and years of successful use, the FDA pulls it, but SURPRISE - you can get a script and buy it from big pharma. It’s ALL about the money.

The federal govt promised pharma some serious vaccine money and now that they aren’t coming close to their commitment, they’re finding ways to make it up. It’s incredibly frustrating to see so many people who just don’t see through this nonsense or question ANYTHING. They just fall back on “saving others” or whatever the media tells them. Critical thinking just isn’t encouraged any more. 😥
This thread is for people to celebrate getting vaccinated, please take your negativity elsewhere. We are not here to talk about how “more people die from other things, other than COVID.”
we came here to talk about how happy we are that we are not going to die from COVID. I don’t see you talking about how happy you are, so please butt out. This thread is NOT made for people to come here and argue about COVID. Please remember that.
Weird - it looked like a poll. Did you know you can still get COVID after receiving both vaccines? Did you also know that if you’re under 50, you’re more likely to die from sunstroke than COVID? Stay hydrated!
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