The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Any source? I'm genuinely interested in seeing the research.
That was the one I heard on my radio show. I'm not sure what exact article they were going off, but as a whole, they're usually pretty accurate about real news stuff
Of course it has, many people don't believe in science. However data that has been collected and reviewed rigorously is far more credible than the distorted opinions of laymen. I posted about this issue earlier in the thread:
But how is it anymore credible when every scientist group seems to be arguing against each other? Every time I think I find something that's fine to use, I find out yet another research person has called it fake.
That was the one I heard on my radio show. I'm not sure what exact article they were going off, but as a whole, they're usually pretty accurate about real news stuff
The first step would be to find out what exactly they were talking about in order to gain some context.
But how is it anymore credible when every scientist group seems to be arguing against each other? Every time I think I find something that's fine to use, I find out yet another research person has called it fake.
Because the opinions of real scientists are far more well-informed than those of laymen. The motto of the Royal Society is apt in situations like these, "Nullius in verba!" or "Take nobody's word for it!". As I've said, look at the actual research and get a sense of what the disagreements are actually about. Tools like Sci-Hub make it pretty easy to bypass journal paywalls.
The first step would be to find out what exactly they were talking about in order to gain some context.

Because the opinions of real scientists are far more well-informed than those of laymen. The motto of the Royal Society is apt in situations like these, "Nullius in verba!" or "Take nobody's word for it!". As I've said, look at the actual research and get a sense of what the disagreements are actually about. Tools like Sci-Hub make it pretty easy to bypass journal paywalls.

I know the context. It was about a large percentage of test animals showing their immune systems had been compromised about a year after receiving the vaccine.

So because any random scientist thinks it's fine, even if a handful of other random scientists disagree, it's true? Or that because I'm not a real scientisy, it don't matter what I think because I'm wrong?

Whatever. I never wanted to start arguing, I just wanted to give a piece of my reason behind not personally vaccinating. I don't care if others do, good for them. But I'm still not going to, I'll just keep wearing my mask and washing my hands constantly. Did a good enough job to keep me safe for the past 18 months
k to be fair i have only read 14 pages so far

got mine today for the same reason!

i am sorry you had to go through that but love the gif (also i saw a couple others of yours and i loved them too

It won't be real to you unless you, or someone close to you, gets sick and maybe dies from it.
(sorry byc is being weird and didn’t let me put this in quotes)
i have my had experience with both 😔

wait i didn’t know an accident was a pandemic

if you came on here to tell people it wasn’t their business why did you come on here? not judging just asking :)
Why? Because the original poster asked an opinion and I gave it. I didn't check the box that said 'something else' but I did explain. Period.

And because I've been a member on this forum long enough to know rude behavior when I see it.

Just because my opinion may differ from yours doesn't mean it doesn't matter. Agree to disagree but my original statement stands.
Just got my second dose!!!

Also I got another call today that one of my relatives in India died. In India, for every relative of mine that is alive, they each know 2 people who have died from COVID-19. They would pay for vaccines, and here they're free and they have extras. It's selfish and spoiled not to get the vaccine to help others when you have the privilege to get the vaccine and others don't
Just got my second dose!!!

Also I got another call today that one of my relatives in India died. In India, for every relative of mine that is alive, they each know 2 people who have died from COVID-19. They would pay for vaccines, and here they're free and they have extras. It's selfish and spoiled not to get the vaccine to help others when you have the privilege to get the vaccine and others don't
Then I guess I'm spoiled. I'd give mine to someone else if I could, but I can't
I don't read any articles about the vaccine or covid anymore since they're all apparently both complete lies and documented facts.

My radio station said though that they started seeing immune systems crashingbin the tested animals about a year after they were vaccinated. That's another worry of mine.

And then there were the people receiving blood clots. I heard from a class mate that it was something like 6 out of every thousand with that vaccine, (maybe it was 6 out of a million, honestly can't remember) but even then, that's still a pretty big number just in the U.S. (and it had been the one vaccine I was considering which didn't help my feelings about it)
There are side effects like blood clots, Bell’s Palsy, anaphylactic shock and the like because the vaccines were NEVER FDA approved. They got Emergency Authorization to fast track it without extensive human clinical trials. In the previous animal trials, the animals all ended up dying. The Emergency Authorization could only go through if there were no therapeutics that could improve patients’ conditions. But there were (hydroxychloriquine & ivermectin among various others), some of which have been used for decades but which are not profitable for the pharmaceutical industry since they’re cheap and help people get better. They silenced anyone who mentioned these therapeutics and discredited them. So they essentially broke the law to get this Emergency Authorization through.
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Why? Because the original poster asked an opinion and I gave it. I didn't check the box that said 'something else' but I did explain. Period.

And because I've been a member on this forum long enough to know rude behavior when I see it.

Just because my opinion may differ from yours doesn't mean it doesn't matter. Agree to disagree but my original statement stands.
i never said it didn’t matter, i love hearing different sides of things! i’m training to be a therapist right now so i love listening. i mainly said it as a joke, however i probably should have kept my mouth shut. i was just wondering why you came on this thread to say it’s nobody’s business.
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