The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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If you want to discuss getting vaccinated in a positive respectful manner, that’s fine. Questioning moderation publicly and accusactions of censorship will get this thread locked and warnings issued. Your choice.

BYCs stance on free speech/censorship on this privately owned website can be read here

Thank you to all who are discussing this in a respectful and civil manner.
haven’t you heard? this isn’t a chicken website because there’s a “random” section.
Oh bless your heart :)

Have you had your sight checked in a while? Might want to check for a sense of humor while you're at it.
This is still a chicken website. Random Ramblings is a section for threads here on this chicken website. Not that I have a problem with that, I post here more than I do on other sections.
Except now that thread no longer exists. So, anyone wishing to question the mandate or express concerns regarding the vaccine must open themselves to attack and abuse in the only threads allowed.

I find it terribly sad that civil discourse and courtesy are so hard to find, even with sensitive topics such as these.
does everyone really need a safe space for everything now?

this is a PUBLIC forum on the PUBLIC internet. every single word you type out is subject to eyeballs and interpretation from perfect strangers who might believe in a wildly different set of ideals that you do.

discourse and courtesy aren’t replacement words for agreement and hand holding. people disagree. they will continue to do so for long after we’re dead. if you want lockstep agreement and validation for your thoughts, you’re gonna never gonna find it when your audience is everyone.

is there really a need for ANOTHER covid thread (currently two active) when covid non-believers and vaccine deniers are so active in this one?
Except now that thread no longer exists. So, anyone wishing to question the mandate or express concerns regarding the vaccine must open themselves to attack and abuse in the only threads allowed.

I find it terribly sad that civil discourse and courtesy are so hard to find, even with sensitive topics such as these.
Especially with these topics. There are no clear sources of reliable information anymore. No investigative journalists are without bias or the lens of activism. We *should* be on the same team, looking for truth. But we're not.

No point in arguing or citing sources. Anyone can find studies or reports that support their views, regardless of the views.

Good luck everyone. I'm going to drink a glass of wine in memory of dear Anita who lost her life to COVID last night.
Oh bless your heart :)

Have you had your sight checked in a while? Might want to check for a sense of humor while you're at it.
This is still a chicke website. Random Ramblings is a section for threads here on this chicken website. Not that I have a problem with that, I post here more than I do on other sections.
my response was also tongue in cheek. i’ve called this a chicken website a few times only to have people tell me “it’s far more than that”.
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