The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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You are all acting like children, and neither of you are willing to step down from this little clusterfuss that you've started. You're making yourselves look like a couple of immature toddlers throwing tantrums at each other.

It's impossible to vaccinate everybody. There will always be some people who will not or cannot get the vaccine, for a number of reasons -- allergies, personal beliefs, medical issues, and so on.
This means that COVID is here to stay. Unfortunate? Yes, of course. All illnesses are unfortunate, but it's hard to eradicate them completely.
The virus might be mutating, but that's also what happens with the common cold all the time, and what happens? We adapt. Our immune systems start to figure stuff out. It doesn't get rid of the fact that people will still die, but accepting that the virus won't be going bye-bye anytime soon and quitting blaming non-vaccinated people for the deaths of COVID-infected people might make things a little less unpleasant all around.

Nobody is going to back down on this, so perhaps you could part ways and stop trying to change each others' minds. This is exactly why people who advocate for the vaccine and people who don't can't get along -- they annoy each other and refuse to back down, and so part ways with each thinking that the other is an idiot.

Just give up, make up like respecful adults -- or don't -- and let it drop.
Message received, Saffy. ❤️
Since when has the gonverment had the right to force vaccines onto its people!!? "Get vaccinated or loose your job!" The gonverment is a rather new thing and it was not established to control its people---> that's called communism.
there are consequences to every choice and action.

the consequence for not getting vaccinated when you work a job that interfaces with the public (nurses, teachers, firefighters, etc) is that you can lose that job.

the vaccine isn’t being forced on anyone.
You are all acting like children, and neither of you are willing to step down from this little clusterfuss that you've started. You're making yourselves look like a couple of immature toddlers throwing tantrums at each other.

It's impossible to vaccinate everybody. There will always be some people who will not or cannot get the vaccine, for a number of reasons -- allergies, personal beliefs, medical issues, and so on.
This means that COVID is here to stay. Unfortunate? Yes, of course. All illnesses are unfortunate, but it's hard to eradicate them completely.
The virus might be mutating, but that's also what happens with the common cold all the time, and what happens? We adapt. Our immune systems start to figure stuff out. It doesn't get rid of the fact that people will still die, but accepting that the virus won't be going bye-bye anytime soon and quitting blaming non-vaccinated people for the deaths of COVID-infected people might make things a little less unpleasant all around.

Nobody is going to back down on this, so perhaps you could part ways and stop trying to change each others' minds. This is exactly why people who advocate for the vaccine and people who don't can't get along -- they annoy each other and refuse to back down, and so part ways with each thinking that the other is an idiot.

Just give up, make up like respecful adults -- or don't -- and let it drop.
"why do you see the speck that is in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye" - Luke Chapter6, 41-42

Can you not leave us to continue our own discussion before you come and tell us what and how to act?
"why do you see the speck that is in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye" - Luke Chapter6, 41-42

Can you not leave us to continue our own discussion before you come and tell us what and how to act?
i’m actually
going to sleep now, but this was fun.
there are consequences to every choice and action.

the consequence for not getting vaccinated when you work a job that interfaces with the public (nurses, teachers, firefighters, etc) is that you can lose that job.

the vaccine isn’t being forced on anyone.

Force meaning: "coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence.", "to impose or thrust urgently, importunately, or inexorably force unwanted attentions on a coworker"

If one is to lose a job if they are not vaccinated, that is a force-- as one cannont live jobless for all of his life.--- hence hunger/starvation/deprivation shall occur.

force unwanted attentions on a coworker
As soon as the argument begins to get somewhere... this happens.
I am not trying to deliberately annoy, I am just giving the reasons in which i believe the vaccine is a scam. Are you not doing the same? Are you not telling us to cease communicating? Arguments are not a BAD thing, in fact- often they are good! And in this case, i see none of us being rather immature..? Are we swearing? Being nasty? Pushing in to one another? NO! And i acturelly enjoy a good argument, so... and I find my opposisitn rather respectful and reasonable, is it not too much to ask to tell someone to shut up and go away?
I never said that I believe that the vaccine is a scam. I don't much care who does and doesn't get it, that's all, and I think that that's a mentality that more people should have, is all.

Banters like this come up in threads like these, and it usually ends in someone getting butthurt and calling in the mods to delete posts after the argument goes downhill.

If you can both keep your heads on, then banter on, I guess. Just step away if you start getting heated.
Force meaning: "coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence.", "to impose or thrust urgently, importunately, or inexorably force unwanted attentions on a coworker"

If one is to lose a job if they are not vaccinated, that is a force-- as one cannont live jobless for all of his life.--- hence hunger/starvation/deprivation shall occur.

force unwanted attentions on a coworker
just because they lost the job they had doesn’t mean they’ll remain jobless. it just means they need a new one. a situation stemming from a decision that they made.

we can continue this another time.
i’m actually
going to sleep now, but this was fun.

It was:)

But please don't just pff off all my reasoning like im a conspiracy theorist idiot. I do have a point, and a reason for it. And i do understand your position (you're not the first i've met), i merely just don't agree on it.

(I can't comment on this chat any longer anyway.. :( insufficient privileges or something.. ) @*everything ducks, I love your subtitle thing! 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚢𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚠, 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚍𝚞𝚝𝚢 ❤️:clap

And Yes, a Job is not a right, but is living a right or a privlige?? Life is not a privilege to have, it is a right! -> hence to be fed and survive is a right and not a privilege -> and if a job is nessecary to carry out your lifes demands and you are already employed, it is a right. If one is employed under a spesific code or basis under the laws of that businesses terms and conditions and nothing of vaccines is stated within such beforehand, a businesses then has no right to directly impose such laws. Imagine you were employed at a coffee shop and after like 4 months, out of the blue, they said you MUST worship buddah otherwise you're fired. and then the whole country said the same thing. Would one not think of the injustice demanded by these commands?? Hence a job has 0 right to impose such actions on a individual.
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As soon as the argument begins to get somewhere... this happens.
I am not trying to deliberately annoy, I am just giving the reasons in which i believe the vaccine is a scam. Are you not doing the same? Are you not telling us to cease communicating? Arguments are not a BAD thing, in fact- often they are good! And in this case, i see none of us being rather immature..? Are we swearing? Being nasty? Pushing in to one another? NO! And i acturelly enjoy a good argument, so... and I find my opposisitn rather respectful and reasonable, is it not too much to ask to tell someone to shut up and go away?
Once you've gotten sucked into a thread like this you'll realize arguing here is pointless.

I'll stop by every now and then but people will argue all day here. So I prefer to mess around, and lighten the mood although people still get offended, which I find very amusing.

I agree that we should have the right to choose what we put into our bodies, just as @Sapphire Sebright here does. I have my own personal reasons for not getting the vax, and I've explained my opinion on the matter before so I won't go into that again.

But what Saffy is saying is that all of this is quite ridiculous to be arguing about non stop. And it is childish. If you stick around here long enough you'll realize the same.
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