The 12 Days of BYC (2020)

Are you in?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 48 63.2%
  • Maybe, I'll do what I can!

    Votes: 22 28.9%
  • I joined late, but I'm in!

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • Not possible for me, sorry!

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sep 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
I posted the same thing last year (, and it was fun! So I thought I'd post it again this year, but try to get more people!

The goal is to share the Christmas spirit and kindness as much as possible, and enjoy BYC time at the same time! It's okay to miss days or join halfway through, this isn't official and is only a guideline. I posted earlier so we can gain some recruits in advance. It starts on the 14th! So please invite other BYC friends to join!

I have arranged it so that you don't have to be on BYC during the weekends to complete it, and have in all ways tried to make it possible for everyone to do everything. Feel free to supplement something you don't feel comfortable doing with a different thing. Enjoy!

Dec 14, day 1:
Think of ten things you are thankful for and share them on BYC (this thread would work great!) other social media, in person, or even to your poultry.

Dec 15, day 2:
Welcome a new BYC member. Reply to their "New Member Introduction" or post a comment on their profile page.

Dec 16, day 3:
Spend some quality time with your poultry or pets, or even a family member. Try to spend at least 10 extra minutes with them.

Dec 17, day 4:
Give a positive review to a BYC article. Judge fairly, but kindly.

Dec 18, day 5: Think of a BYC member you don't know much about and ask them a question about their flock. Most people's favorite subject to talk about is themselves, except chicken owners, who like to talk about their chickens. Make someone's day by letting them ramble on about their favorite chicken, their breeds, and funny habits their chickens have.

Dec 19, day 6:
Mail a thank you letter to someone who has done you a favor recently.

Dec 20, day 7:
Do a secret act of service to someone in your house.

Dec 21, day 8:
The next time somebody messages you today, tell them something you appreciate about them. If nobody messages you than message somebody yourself.

Dec 22, day 9:
Contact a BYC Staff Member or a Project Manager and tell them how much you appreciate them. They work hard on this website and deserve some credit.

Dec 23, day 10:
Share a positive quote with someone who is going through something hard or someone who just deserves it. You might find one you like here:

Dec 24, day 11: Contact a BYC member you admire and tell them why you admire them.

Dec 25, day 12:
Give a gift to your poultry. Some ideas are a new sign to put in the coop, a special treat, promise them you'll paint the coop in spring or simply spend extra time with them. Merry Christmas everyone and have a great day!

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