The 2010 NaNoWriMo Thread!

Oh, I've got to confess, I forgot about this thread! I've been so busy! I'm up to 25,000 as of tonight, though. It's going pretty well so far.
I'm doing two novels this time! One of which I have absolutely no clue about. ^-^

I'm still Tewiinaba on the site if you want to talk there~
I'm doing it this year, too! I do it every year without fail.

I'm writing fanfiction this year, actually--none of my original ideas developed enough for me to work with. I'm already at almost 5000 words, barely into day two! I'm hoping to be at around 7k or more by the end of tonight. It's going great so far, the words are just flowing out uninhibited. How are you two doing so far?
Hello SilverPhoenix! Glad to hear yours is going well

I finally got a plot this morning and I just got started writing about 3 hours ago. I have exactly 539 words so far lol
My sister's doing it. I've thought about doing it, but I just cannot create a coherent story arc.
I can do nonfiction just fine, but I'm starting to think fiction is a little beyond me. Creating an entire world is a lot harder than it sounds.
What happened to your Lincoln-but-not-Lincoln idea?

That's what I'm referring to. I've got the basic concept, but I can't think of a coherent story arc, nor can I decide on some of the details. I certainly can't decide on the ending. I also have serious issues creating characters.

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