The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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I had a few of mine looking like that at day 7 or so. I was worried sick, it made me sure that they were dead. I left them under my broody, though, and two have come a long ways and are still going! (knock on wood) The third did quit, but it was one that has some cracking at one end.

Thank you! That makes me feel much better!

hokankai, it would not let me quote your post, but it was also very helpful. Thank you!
I haven't posted a pic of my eggs yet....

6 Rhode Island red , 6 Ameracauna's (or EE's) -- chicks could be any mix of the two.

I'm so excited!!! This is my first time trying to hatch eggs !!

Nice eggs!
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Yes, as a breeder I would want to know how a buyers hatch turns out, however as one who sells hatching eggs, all I could really be held accountable for is providing fertile eggs. If developing eggs quit, how could the breeder be held responsible for the uncontrolled environment in the buyer's care? It has happened to me and I'm sure the seller would have given me more eggs but since they developed, I figure failing to get them to hatch was not really their fault.  I guess I would be careful how you approach it.
Sorry though, that's real disappointment.

Oh I wouldn't tell her in an angry way at all. I'm disappointed, but I don't blame her at all. I just wondered if she'd want to know...
Just candled my eggs. I pulled 11 that were either infertile (9) or showed a blood ring (2). I didn't have much hope that my blue wyandotte eggs were fertile so that was 5 eggs. Also, there were several eggs that I purchased that do not appear to be fertile that I left in the bator until mid-week--holding onto any chance that they are fertile and I'm just bad at candling. So I might be pulling 8 or 9 more
But, being the optimist that I am, I'll still have two dozen chickies in a couple weeks! Thinking about saving eggs this week and firing up the other bator next weekend. Can you say "addicted"???

I know that 'addicted' feeling. I lost $200 worth of eggs and then bought another $200 which are in this hatch-a-long. Then I have more coming when these are done. I am only going to keep a few and am giving others to friend's in my chicken community. So I am addicted and crazy. But I really love the babies fuzzy butts. :)
I know that 'addicted' feeling. I lost $200 worth of eggs and then bought another $200 which are in this hatch-a-long. Then I have more coming when these are done. I am only going to keep a few and am giving others to friend's in my chicken community. So I am addicted and crazy. But I really love the babies fuzzy butts. :)
Eh, once I think about it, a person could be addicted to worse things, right? At least we're making the world a little cuter one chick at a time.
Yes, as a breeder I would want to know how a buyers hatch turns out, however as one who sells hatching eggs, all I could really be held accountable for is providing fertile eggs. If developing eggs quit, how could the breeder be held responsible for the uncontrolled environment in the buyer's care? It has happened to me and I'm sure the seller would have given me more eggs but since they developed, I figure failing to get them to hatch was not really their fault. I guess I would be careful how you approach it.
Sorry though, that's real disappointment.

Oh I wouldn't tell her in an angry way at all. I'm disappointed, but I don't blame her at all. I just wondered if she'd want to know...[/QUOTE]
i bought 24 eggs of 3 breeds from a seller once. 7 of 8 of one breed hatched, 6 of 8 of each of the others were clear. thats 12 eggs from 24 clear.. and obviously i was incubating well if 87% of one breed hatched in the same incubator.

the guys response was basically bad luck.

if he said hey, let me make it up to you he would have had a great repeat customer. I have bought more than 250 eggs since - just none from him.
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Happy St. Patrick's Day! I just candled and 4 out of 5 eggs are developing! I don't think my white leghorn egg was ever fertile because it is completely clear. One of my easter eggers has a red line around the egg. Is this a blood ring?

You can see the embryo at the top near the air cell and then the red line at the bottom. There are also veins in between the embryo and the red line. The line is also the strongest on this side. On the other side it weaves a little and is harder to see. Sorry I know this picture is not the best. Thanks!
It's still a good egg with veining.
Here is the picture of eggs that I set on 3.9.13 FINALLY. 18 eggs bantam cochins and Seramas.
Happy Chooks already got my number............thank you. ok cant get pic to load, so never mind.
I'm gonna ask again about my air cells... Are these okay? Day 7 and 14 are marked.

They look fine to me Personally from what I've seen of charts of egg air cells. The day 7 looks about the same as mine and I checked some today at day 11 and it is very slowly trickling down. I would say things are looking good. :) of course take what I say with a grain of salt, since i am so new to them. i have read and studied a lot though, just no pro.
I just wanted to make sure you were answered, I know when you have a question like this you are impatiently waiting even though you don't mean to lol! Just a bunch of worried moms and dads here!
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