The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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Some of the new chicks. This is so fun!! I need to get more eggs to hatch now....

i Have 3 1/2 bcm/EEs they are beautiful BCMs. no cheeks or buffs. but lay the prettiest olive green eggs Found one of them put her in with cuckoo marans pen,One is so sneeky I cannot figure out who she is. the last one is banded and will go in with the cuckoo marans and ee barbed hens.
Today is day 21, so I still have some time to watch. I just took out the dry chicks and closed the incubator back up- total is31 eggs set, 16 hatched, 3 more pipping and peeping, and 12 that haven't done anything yet. I didn't bother to candle this batch since about a third of them were black copper marans eggs. All are from my own chickens.

So, the easter egger/bcm crosses mostly look like bcm, but with fluffy cheeks. Two are chipmunks. Then the dominiques have white spots on their heads and wing tips. I haven't tried to sex those yet. I have them in a brooder where I had some week old bantams, and it is so funny to see the white chicks with all of the black chicks.
#7 is out!!!

We've got all kinds of cheeping and peeping tonight!

We ended up with 4 from my EE hen that hatched. Don't know about the second two yet, but the first two... Well they have different baby daddy! LOL. One has fuzzy feet which can only mean one thing, my Cochin Roo that I'm holding in my profile pic must have gotten busier than I had thought.
I've been offline for the last 5 days so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to post here or somewhere else to report my "dismal" hatch results. I had 15/45 hatch. 2 guineas, 7 Breda and 6 Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock.
Here are the first 4 to hatch. I've learned something very important tonight... Day old chicks will not stay still to pose for pictures!

35 hatched for me Problem i have a virus after Dling a Attachment from a Cat breeder that has me scared to use my computor to type or post photos Mt Broody hen hatched hers a week ago ill know more tomarrow

Nothing in the leahy as my great nephew thought if he turned up the heat they would hatch faster .......... Made sence to him and kinda to me too but he managed to show me a new way of Hard boiling eggs

all mixed chicks my own but sad because they all had heart beats . he said he is so sorry he will go tell the hens to lay more eggs and he actually did an apologised to them too LOL
Bless his little 4 yr old heart.
I had a pretty good hatch, late but good. I still have two more to go then I will post the results.
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