The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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My day was completely chicken centered. Tomorrow the lady is coming out to test the birds so I had to make sure everything was in order. One of the only things I couldn't do was fix the door to the game pen. The top hing is broke and the bottom one is on it's way there. The horrors of working with wood older than you are.
While I was cleaning the cages my hypoglycemia attacked and I had to take a 2 hour break. Then when I was giving the RIRs water I left it alone for too long and it flooded the pen. Those were the worst things to happen to me though. Everything else went fine and I got everything done with the exception of getting the ducks and evil roo into carriers, and getting Bob's cage built. There's still enough time to get the cage built tonight and I need to wait till it gets a little darker to deal with putting everyone in carriers.

Despite the little things annoying me today went very well. Here's hoping tomorrow goes as well.

I'm hypoglycemic too..what do you do when you have an attack? Believe it or not..I find eating a piece of toast works for me, not protein!
Ok I candled again and removed 4 clears and a quitter. That leaves me 17 left for the Easter hatch. All the rest were in there dancing around :). Hope everyone else is doing great. Weather here gave me a scare earlier with thunderstorms rolling through, but it passed with no issues.
Is anyone interested in a dozen plus Blue Wheaten Ameracauna or 18 plus Icelandic eggs? thought they were sold to ship tomorrow but no payment... PM me if you are interested..
just candled my eggs- seems like my backyard mix rooster was still figuring out what goes where- out of the 13 eggs i put in i have 4 healthy developing eggs, one bloodring and the rest were clears. so on the hatch a long i am down to 4.
i would be more sad except i have other eggs incubating that are doing great- just weren't in time for the hatch a long; 7 LF white faced black spanish, 6 plus maybe 2 welsh harlequin ducks , (still kinda early to chuck clears on them) 7 easter eggers and 5 marans who are too dark to see anything.
ETA: this post was quoted for sally but didnt work.
Wow they are beautiful!!! :) I'm excited to see what they look like all grown up.
Lol love the name black Betty she's so cute, looks so focused.
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I'm guessing she would give me some to make up for all the clears, but as I'm not getting to keep any of the chicks, it doesn't really matter. I'm hatching this bunch at home for the secretary at our school. I'm in love with Silkies and want one desperately, so I'm hoping that one hatches and I can convince the hubby to let me keep it... He is VERY anti chicken, so it's almost no chance though.
Thanks for the input... They looked "okay" to me based on the little chart I've seen, but as the last batch I hatched had half of them drown in the egg from too much humidity, I'm nervous... 

Your welcome. I'm nervous too, I understand! Getting them to lock down is only half the battle I suppose. I'm going to shoot for 60-65% for lock down I think lol see how sure of myself I am. I'm really happy with how the eggs are developing though, I just hope I get SOME to hatch, like just more than one, I'd be happy....I think.
just candled my eggs- seems like my backyard mix rooster was still figuring out what goes where- out of the 13 eggs i put in i have 4 healthy developing eggs, one bloodring and the rest were clears. so on the hatch a long i am down to 4.
i would be more sad except i have other eggs incubating that are doing great- just weren't in time for the hatch a long; 7 LF white faced black spanish, 6 plus maybe 2 welsh harlequin ducks , (still kinda early to chuck clears on them) 7 easter eggers and 5 marans who are too dark to see anything.

Well I have been so sick and then busy. Ugh. But I got a new incubator that hold 1300 eggs!! Ahhhh I am so addicted to hatching!
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