The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I meant if they were stacked the warmer air might not have made it to all the ones underneath.  I know still airs can have problems with hot and cold spots....

They weren't really stacked.


I've since laid most down
whoops I lied just transfer white wheaten to brooder. Little devils were hiding a egg. A white wheaten (still very happy with those shipped eggs. How if I could fine my egg list of what went in each bator. brinsea 24 eggs in 23 chicks out = good hatch there 1 wh. maran died early.
Now for the dickie still hatching have to go get another heat lamp so I can get the chicks out of there. wheatens trying to hatch. Had a outside cuckoo maran hatch EEs she had 13 eggs have no idea how many she hatched. I didn't count them for the hatch. I never have good luck with broody hen
Need some more coops or the feral cats will eat them.
3 more broodys they are sitting on on 38 eggs total, 25 EEs , 13 HRIRs
going to leave for a few hours to visit a friend. Maybe the wheaten marans will be hatch by then. Dreaming I know

Man oh man.... This is the only chick I could get out of the nest. Rumples had a fit when the chick chirped. This is #3 for now. The second chick had more yellow in it. I thought I felt a cracked egg when I had my hand in the nest.
I meant if they were stacked the warmer air might not have made it to all the ones underneath. I know still airs can have problems with hot and cold spots....
Which is why I wired a computer fan in to my still air LG . . . . and it is now stacked.
To make room for todays hatchlings to run around-- that makes it ok , right?? lol

Just for clarity, a still air is a misnomer. Just a designation to distinguish it from the fan model. Air actually does circulate to some extent as the holes in the base and the holes in the top allow for movement of fresh air. Perhaps nearest those holes are the cooler area . . . just a theory. I move my eggs all over, or rotate the lid.

On top of the eggs is the 102 temp. SO the TOP varies by the size of the eggs, and if on a turner vs laying on the sides. Makes it rather complicated depending on the model and flexibility of how the eggs are set. ( Yah, I've been hatching too much. lol)
I have had 2 pips for over 24 hours and nothing..... should I help? I think they might already be gone :(
Have a look at the area of the pip-- I use my fingernails to open up the pip a bid so I can see if the beak is moving. SOmetimes they sleep. Sometimes they are gone. I tap on the egg hoping for a response. A sleeping chick doesn't respond- - so you might need to be patient a little longer. When I peel back the white membrane I look for the veining in the clear layer just under the white membrane. If I can easily see veining, I leave it alone-- I hate making it bleed when I open the shell too soon. All that blood needs to be absorbed until the veins are really hard to distinguish. Goes from a bright red tiny tube, to a dark red line. Not sure how else to describe it.

Hoping for the best.
Which is why I wired a computer fan in to my still air LG . . . .  and it is now stacked. :oops:  To make room for todays hatchlings to run around-- that makes it ok , right?? lol

Just for clarity, a still air is a misnomer. Just a designation to distinguish it from the fan model. Air actually does circulate to some extent as the holes in the base and the holes in the top allow for movement of fresh air. Perhaps nearest those holes are the cooler area . . . just a theory.  I move my eggs all over, or rotate the lid. :D

On top of the eggs is the 102 temp.  SO the TOP varies by the size of the eggs, and if on a turner vs laying on the sides.  Makes it rather complicated depending on the model and flexibility of how the eggs are set.  ( Yah, I've been hatching too much. lol)

And I know. I just don't have s fan laying around. And I think I found a really cool spot
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