The 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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Reminder - with a total please, so Mike doesn't have to do math.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I have a total of 33 eggs in the incubator!!
Thank You, good luck!

I never was able to set any. Birds still are being difficult about giving fertile eggs. I'm trying something different and seeing if it helps.
I'm sorry to hear that. Thanks for letting us know.

I set 7 eggs on 3/29/14 @ 1200.
Good Luck!
How long it takes depends on how much practice you've got so far... My first go took me well over an hour and I'm very surprised the bird lived - but he did! Now it takes me about five minutes, but I've gotten a bit of practice, some advice from someone who was well worth listening to, and better tools. There's a Chinese guy on YouTube that does it in about two.
Difficult... hmmm... The best analogy I have it taking a cooked grain of rice out of a dark ping-pong ball through a coin slot.
Kit? I don't have one...never seen one 'up-close-and-personal'. I use an assortment of other surgical tools, acquired a few recommended pieces and have tested my way through my existing assortment until I found what works best for me, lol. A really bright headlamp is essential, although I did my first one with a penlight held in my teeth... My first (and only) loss to date was one of the meaties from New Years - their musculature is slightly different and one has to adapt.
Thanks for the reply.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
No, don't. I'm planting veggies and fruit buds are swelling.
Love all the pretty eggs everyone is hatching from quail, to EE to icelantics-- pretty pretty pretty.

For the count-- I set 8 EE. Will see what hatches!! BLue BOy has had a sore foot, but his new home seems to agree with him . . . . so looking forward to the first candling!!

Good luck all!!
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I put 10 Black Copper Marans eggs under my broody Marans hen on Saturday and another fresh laid Black Copper Marans egg one on Sunday. I was told by another BYC'er that I should post on this page so that I could be added to the Easter count. I didn't set the eggs at 12 PM. It was after dark because this is the easiest time to move broody hens (and I didn't know about the set time for the hatch along and wasn't home at 12PM anyways).

So please add Qty (11) Black Copper Marans Eggs to the count.
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