The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I still need to dig out my incubators and give them a little dusting off and fire them up to give them a test run. I will be taking them out soon and getting my area set up. I have a corner of the basement that is designated for my egg, incubating, and hatching needs.

Does anyone know or heard anything about if sunlight plays any part in the way eggs/chicks develop/hatch. I know direct sunlight on the incubator is not good due to possible temps fluctuating. But does sunlight play any other part? I know its probably a very silly question because hens pick dark corners to nest in and also are on top of the eggs almost 24/7 but it doesn't hurt to ask,right?
commercial incubators dont have lights or windows
I understand. I'm doing a test hatch before the easter hatch a long and its my first time. I'm nervous and impatient. I can't wait till I see little swimmers in the eggs.

I just candled my eggs in the bator (only my second time using it) and I was thrilled to see the little swimmers! Honestly, I want expecting to see such dramatic movement already (day 7) but it was exciting to see :)
I just candled my eggs in the bator (only my second time using it) and I was thrilled to see the little swimmers! Honestly, I want expecting to see such dramatic movement already (day 7) but it was exciting to see

Congrats on your developing eggs!!! Seeing the movement is so thrilling and amazing and almost calming to know they are growing.
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