The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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The embryo is genderless until Day 5 from what I've read...

Gender is determined upon fertilization depending on the genetic material provided by the parents. The embryo can't be without gender.

ETA: I stand corrected by @ronott1 that the genetic information from the rooster has any part in it. But, it's still true that genetic information determines gender and the embryo can't be without gender.
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:eek: Five (mobile) pages behind on this thread!



I got Ace from TSC's bantam bin. I can't find her breed anywhere! Could she be a EE?
Well, this is the start of day 25 and nothing has hatched since the last couple on day 21 and there has been absolutely NO movement. So I am calling it.

I've got 17 total chicks out of the original 38. Sixteen Dark Cornish/Dominique crosses and one little black chick with black legs, unknown parentage, from one of the 3 eggs I got from my neighbor. It's distantly related to mine as I hatched her eggs 2-3 years ago.

All adorable, healthy and probably wanting to be in a bigger box which will happen tomorrow! :D

IF I have time I'll actually figure out if any of the unhatched eggs were clears, quitters, etc. I never candle during the hatch.
My final count is 9 out of 15. Should be some shade of olive eggers as they all came from one hen that lays spearmint colored eggs and my rooster is a brown egg mix. Am i righton the color?
I hope it's not too late! I just wanted to let everyone know yesterday 11 of my 14 eggs finally hatched into beautiful Ancona ducklings!!! I had two hatch day quitters and one that ways malformed. I am still very happy with these cuties.
Awwwww, ducklings.

the last pic is really bad but I just had to share some pictures of this. The big one there is Mocha. She's a 3 week old BCM. All her brooder mates have been sold so she's been staying with my HAL babies. She has taken it upon herself to adopt them. I swear, the youngest mother (or father) I've ever seen. She calls them to food and treats. She even had them eating and drinking on day one. The pictures in the basket, she can easily escape it as she's done many times in the past but she wouldn't leave "her" babies lol.
Too cute!

Out of 30 eggs 10 hatched. 2 didn't make it, so we have 8 chicks. I assume that counts as 8 for our total.
Nope, 10 hatched, 10 count. They still hatched.

I know I'm paranoid(probably a first hatch thing lol) but I have two eggs that have been at the same place for about two hours at what point should I help??
Sit on your hands, clean your house, go for a drive. Get away from that bator! Hatching is sloooooooooooow.

If anyone had ever told me, that one day I would be wiping poop from chicken butts I would have laughed them all the way home. Now, I regularly check chick bottoms for poop build up.
I know, right?

Up to four little peeping fluff balls.
Have six more eggs that were still showing signs of life yesterday. I could hear peeps through two long should I wait for a pip from these guys?? I'm hoping to wake up to more!!

I read chicks can stay in the incubator up to 3 days after hatching. Does this sound right? I have eight chicks that are a bit older (5-10 days) and am a bit worried about the newbies going in with them. The last picture is the biggest of those older chicks for comparison. A Sicilian Buttercup
They can pip internally a day before pipping externally. And yes, chicks are fine to stay in the incubator for up to 3 days. They are living off of the yolk sac and don't need food for the first few days.

I've got three pips yay!I knew they were in there =) can hear peeping and feel movement in a few.

My hatch is now complete. 4 out of 41 set.....don't even ask

Mostly shipped eggs.
At least you got 4. Enjoy them!

Update: three hatched have about 4-5 holes in eggs. Once the first hatched the rest have started. I guess all the flopping around helps... Lol. They all are gathering around one egg and the last 2 that there was gathering they were the ones to hatch next... They are literally trying to sit on the next egg like the mother hen would... It's adorable!

My final count is 9 out of 15. Should be some shade of olive eggers as they all came from one hen that lays spearmint colored eggs and my rooster is a brown egg mix. Am i righton the color?
You need a dark brown gene for olive eggers. If your male doesn't provide dark brown, then you'll get pale green or brown eggs from the offspring.
My final count is 9 out of 22. I was just sure the 10 was going to make it but it was dead in the (open) shell this morning :(
I have 9 very special little fluffy butts tho!
Up to four little peeping fluff balls.
Have six more eggs that were still showing signs of life yesterday. I could hear peeps through two long should I wait for a pip from these guys?? I'm hoping to wake up to more!!

I read chicks can stay in the incubator up to 3 days after hatching. Does this sound right? I have eight chicks that are a bit older (5-10 days) and am a bit worried about the newbies going in with them. The last picture is the biggest of those older chicks for comparison. A Sicilian Buttercup
Glad to hear a fellow late-hatcher is having success.

I recommend keeping the 2 groups separated for a few weeks. 5-10 days is a huge difference when young, but not so bad as they age - maybe 3-4 weeks. The older ones WILL bully the babies & prevent them from eating, drinking, etc.
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