The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

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I wish we knew the reason they are doing this!
Me too Whitney. What is going on? You even have a new bator. ??
Candled our eggs last night. It was so exciting! My husband was giddy like a kid in the candy shop, and our 3yo was so excited to call grandma and grandpa and tell them about it. Out of 12 eggs we saw embryo movement in 11 and veining in all!! It was fascinating. This is our first time candling (ever!). (I also popped a beautiful egg in a little less than a week later than our original 12 and so far it has nothing, which is expected). This was day 8 for us.
It's crazy.... I have my computer by me while I'm doing some stationary things in the house. No post. As soon as I step outside to the garden, I come back and there are 100's! Is that something like the watched pot??
agh! sorry, as a biologist i cannot like those things any more than most people like snakes and spiders, (which i do since they provide a valuable service), and wantonly killing the latter is seen as righteous while killing the former 'sad'. there is a definite bias towards furry creatures with eyelashes=cute, almost everything else=evil/icky. rodents (squirrels/chipmunks/rats/mice) eat lots of living creatures, and are not designed to dispatch them quickly, so often will eat them alive. just google any of them (or deer/cows) eating birds (usually babies) or other animals, and you will find videos (the animal planet one is so wrong in many ways but the commentary is biased towards making the viewer feeling warm and fuzzy about the act of a squirrel getting a blood meal out of a snake). yes i am not a ray of sunshine here, but it always makes me sad when i see the same people who love squirrels (pest/destructive animals in urban settings) crossing the road to drive over snakes.any snakes over a foot long i relocate here since i have bantams and they can fit into the 1" wire, i have yet to loose a chick(en) to snakes but have lost far far too many to the far more cuddly raccoons........sigh, such is the injustice in the world. and this bias costs human lives too (, i am not saying all snakes are good and harmless, i just get so disappointed sometimes. and i know how nasty chickens can be too, yet i mostly love them (in their place), i still have to go out sometimes to rescue unfortunates they have gotten a hold of.

ok.....rant over....
Me too Whitney.  What is going on?  You even have a new bator.  ??   :idunno

Yep. Perhaps I need a new brain. Have you happened across any, by chance??

Candled our eggs last night.  It was so exciting!  My husband was giddy like a kid in the candy shop, and our 3yo was so excited to call grandma and grandpa and tell them about it.  Out of 12 eggs we saw embryo movement in 11 and veining in all!! It was fascinating.  This is our first time candling (ever!).  (I also popped a beautiful egg in a little less than a week later than our original 12 and so far it has nothing, which is expected).  This was day 8 for us.

That's so cute about sharing with Grandma :)
Incubator Wars!
Breaking news
Distressing news has reached us of a trauma with Contestant #3, Amber. During this morning's chicken chores, Amber was found frantically pacing and refusing to return to the nest. Upon closer inspection the nest was torn up and one of the eggs missing. The remaining eggs were scattered about and quite cold. They were rushed to Contestant #2's incubator for monitoring and closer inspection. Amber was allowed to range with the flock and scratch about to calm her nerves while the cause is searched for. We will bring you updates as more information becomes known.
Incubator Wars!
Breaking news
Distressing news has reached us of a trauma with Contestant #3, Amber. During this morning's chicken chores, Amber was found frantically pacing and refusing to return to the nest. Upon closer inspection the nest was torn up and one of the eggs missing. The remaining eggs were scattered about and quite cold. They were rushed to Contestant #2's incubator for monitoring and closer inspection. Amber was allowed to range with the flock and scratch about to calm her nerves while the cause is searched for. We will bring you updates as more information becomes known.
Oh no poor Amber! I hope all is well with the eggs and the cause of the nest disruption is found. I will be watching for the update.
I forgot to post our total in my earlier post. We set 32 eggs on the 12th. All chickens. Mostly mutts, but some purebred wyandottes in there. My BLRW roos have been busy boys. Can't wait to see what we get out of this.
Wornoutmom, sorry to hear this! Do you think another hen could have disturbed her and torn up the nest? I have had that happen before. Hope the rest of the eggs are okay.
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