The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!


Hey EVERYONE Chaos is in search of some good quality dominiques if anyone knows of a breeder on the
and I'll need some extras because Sally will try to pilfer them

Let me know when you move out to the country... :D ;)

Will do
Will be a little bit

Found 26 acres, mostly pasture with a nice sized barn house and two trailers on the back caddy corner side.
Fer 325000
Haven't talked em down yet cuz we still have to save some

So.Something else will come along when the time is right
I know a few Realtors down here so well get it someday
We gotcha!!! Captain Morgan fer sure!! welcome!!!

SWEET cree!!!! you have a full house!!! I need some of your eggs! I hope all is well with you guys and the grandbabies!

I thought something else... :lau

oh you have no clue yet! most of my gang will be here plus.... well just get those vodka cases ordered sweetness!

:hugs x2 Ohhh soooo Wickedly wonderful :lau

Now, now, we aren't dangerous.

:lau and I'll need some extras because Sally will try to pilfer them

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And of course I'll have to hatch something with you guys! Don't know what yet....I think Tobin needs to try for another porcelain d'Uccle roo....And there's always Seramas to hatch cuz they're small.....Might have orders for other things....

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