The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Corid is amprolium--and is not on the list! Thank Goodness.
I had UCD test for cocci when I did a fecal float test. They did find some here but I have very clay soil--Lots of water retention in the winter. I am going to give them some corid this weekend. I need to give them a course once a month in the winter.

I have a lot of clay. If i were to try to get a permit to put a septic in here now i would never pass. This property doesn't perk. And yes it stays damp. That being said, should i have my flock tested ? Should i treat for 'just in case' ? What precautions can i take to prevent my birds from getting cocci ?
I have no idea.
Advise me oh wise one.
I think i need a nap, i'm getting silly.
So my second test hatch witch is in lockdown on day 19. Already had someone call and wants to buy them all. And had another person call who wants 30 chicks. On my next hatch. So I might have to break out the second bator for the Easter hatch. It's starting to feel like spring. Just posted on Craig's list 3 hours ago. And getting non stop texts. Still hurts to give up those fluffy guys lol.
I have a lot of clay. If i were to try to get a permit to put a septic in here now i would never pass. This property doesn't perk. And yes it stays damp. That being said, should i have my flock tested ? Should i treat for 'just in case' ? What precautions can i take to prevent my birds from getting cocci ?
I have no idea.
Advise me oh wise one.
I think i need a nap, i'm getting silly.
Wise I do not know about so much...

What seems to be working is a switch in water systems that keeps the water clean. I am using a nipple water fountain and also some different sizes of vertical water nipple systems. The layer pen has a five gallon bucket setup with 8 nipples in it. I have a float to keep the water level too.

It has been several years since I have treated chicks for cocci. The older hens will not die from it but will have some problems. One way for the older ones is to give them the medium strength dose for two days a month when it is wet. I only have to do that from december to march here because we do not get rain during the summer(seriously, the average is about .2 of an inch for the 4 to 6 months of our dry season).

What I am doing must be keeping the cyst load down low enough that the chicks build resistance without getting sick. A lab can look for cocci cysts when they do a fecal float test. I had UCDavis do a test for me and suggested that I treat once a month for it.

I hope this helps!
So my second test hatch witch is in lockdown on day 19. Already had someone call and wants to buy them all. And had another person call who wants 30 chicks. On my next hatch. So I might have to break out the second bator for the Easter hatch. It's starting to feel like spring. Just posted on Craig's list 3 hours ago. And getting non stop texts. Still hurts to give up those fluffy guys lol.

If I didn't think my husband would kill me I would post babies on cl

If I disappear off here contact local police. It might mean I voiced idea to him
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ok so it is like -18*f outside right now, I think I am gonna make the decision to not let my flock out of the coop today. they have a LOT of room in there if I open the inside door. But , this bitter cold is with a nasty wind chill and I fear they will not be smart enough to go in in they get too cold. NOW, I feel so guilty not letting them out, has anyone else just said not a good idea today with your flock?

Brrrrr, I'd leave myself inside too. 70* here, so no frostbite worries.

Lovely. I do use ivomec for worming. Cattle people aren't going to be very happy either.

Because they can...It is 100 miles to the nearest vet that knows anything about chickens. My vet said, "I don't know anything about chickens". This is going to be a killer, literally.

Kathy and I checked the list and Wazine is not on it. Ivermectin is. It would be a good idea to see if what you use is on the list. It does not have All Ag medicine on it.
Love the picture of the roses Hurley! Almost makes me think I got some too.

My DH buys me rose bushes..........:then I have to use a pick axe to plant them.

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