The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Below is one of the world's worst sadde-shaped aircells. All 8 of my eggs due for lockdown on Wed next week have them. Lockdown in an egg carton so they sit mostly upright? Worried about these ones. My flight for spring break leaves the same day they should start pipping. Bad planning on my part.

Is a 3% weight loss for one week good or not enough? My day 6 eggs have lost an average of 3%
Long, long, long week at work. 1000 posts behind and not catching up fast, so skipping to here.

My quail are growing like gangbusters. The silvers - wow, got some pretty ones. They have chick heads and feathered bodies now. Will get some photos when they feather all the way in. Cool patterns on the babies.

I also have 85 jumbo and a&m quail that are 2 and 6 days old, talk about a tank of cuteness! Half of them are moving on to a new household this weekend, so that will open up space a bit.

Tomorrow is Week 1 in my planned talks for my son's first grade class, and I actually got their eggs started last night to have them hatch while the kids are in school, and will put in the rest of my Easter hatch in on time.

Teacher asked me to give the talk now to multiple 1st grade classes, so will be taking in a bunch of quail egg shells for them to inspect/crunch, multiple dozen eggs for each kid to do the diversity lab with and get to crack an egg, and we'll get the incubator set up and going in the classroom. The kids are so excited!

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Ok. I see I'm on the list now.
I read the different contests. For the hatch a long where do I give the amount of eggs I will be setting and do I need to give the breed or type of chicken eggs I plan to set?
Post the set number in this thread!

We love pictures so post those too!
Bob is beautiful! Thor is my dominate Roo. I have two Roos now and more to come. But I don't think anyone will D throne Thor. Hey watches iver his girls like no other iv ever seen.

I love barred Rocks. Thor is an awesome name and he looks like one proud roo!
My Barred Rock rooster is Dominator, and he is awesome with his ladies.

I see a lot of people are getting their eggs! Including me!
Anyone else getting EE eggs from the Hutson's? Can't remember their e-bay name, they are in Colorado..P-Psomething on e-bay. I just wrote them and asked if they had eggs yet, because..last time, I had 29 babies hatch out of 32 that went into lock down..they sent 36. Their eggs are fertile! Plus, I love love how they pack!

I open the box, and see..bubble wrap! I move a little aside, and
see..more bubble wrap..the big stuff.

They put eggs in two different 18 count cartons. I ordered 20.

They are wrapped in nice thick paper towels.

I have a few of her EE's out there that I just love! Can't wait until
they start laying these! Would any of you call these
F1 OE color?

The blue egg color doesn't show up.. :/ There are three really blue blue eggs in there. And some are quite blue hint.

Anyway, they said they had a lot of people ordering for the hatch a long. Would love to know who...then we could compare how our hatch is going with these eggs. I can almost guarantee fertility on these!

Congrats! Those are some nice eggs!

Yes! Emu eggs are in the incubator... I placed four eggs but I'm thinking that maybe two of them are not fertile. Two are losing weight as they should but two are sadly not. I don't believe it is an issue with temp or humidity as they are all in the same incubator and two are doing just fine. So sad if they are in fact not going to hatch.
I'm happy if we get two, but FOUR would have been awesome!!! I will keep them all going just in case....

In other news...if any of you remember I mentioned that our flock had been decimated by a dog a couple months back. We had one egg survive the carnage and it hatched into our lovely girl (I think) Legacy. Well, sadly, we put Legacy out into the main coop in a small cage with a heat lamp to get her out of my laundry room. Somehow the lamp got turned the wrong way and she developed frostbite on both legs. We got her back inside quickly and I have been soaking her feet in Epsom salts and keeping her nice and warm. Her legs were badly blistered and full of fluid. So far she hasn't lost any toes, nothing is turning black, but after two weeks she still is not using her toes to grip. She limps and is very clumsy, as if she can't feel her feet maybe??
We will keep working with her and hoping for the best. No matter what she will be cared for. I've seen chickens without any feet do just fine. They look kinda funny, but they get around on their peg legs somehow.... I'd post pics of her feet, but they are sort of gruesome looking and I don't want to disturb anyone. Is there a way to post a pic that can only be looked at by clicking on it on purpose? Just in case anyone is interested in looking at what I am fairly sure is frostbite??

Poor girl. I'm so glad that she seems to be doing okay. She is so lucky to have you guys giving her such wonderful care.

My eggs from ladycluck77 arrived today!! They are all intact, and the only issue is some have air cell defects. I am surprised since they came from Maine to Colorado and did good... Hopefully I can get a few. Also I am getting quail eggs tomorrow, I will see what he all has and go from there.
Wow, those are some egg colors. I am so jealous right now.

I was wondering...

How old is your oldest chicken?


My oldest is 4.5 years old. She is my only chicken that is named, her name is Hawk. She is a good old easter egger from before I knew the difference. She still lays an egg a day.

She's beautiful. I have only had my current chickens for three or so years, but I hope they live for a nice long time. : )

My oldest chook is a EE named Emma, she will be 8 this spring.

Congrats! Sounds like EEs are healthy birds.

Sounds like a lot of people are getting eggs today!
I went and picked up some eggs for the Easter Hatch-along today as well! 45 minute drive one way, but so worth it! I only ordered/paid for 2 dozen and the lady gave me 9 extras!
Here is a picture of them...

The middle ones are Bielefelders, to their right are Jubilee Orpingtons, with one extra Jubilee on the bottom left, and the 8 on the top left are Swedish Flower Hens! So excited to try these new breeds for the Hatch-along!!!
I will be setting these tomorrow morning along with some of my own backyard flocks' eggs.

Whoa, those are amazing breeds!

Our oldest chicken is a Barred Rock Hen named Sphinx. She is 8 1/2 years old! She has a few crooked toes (must have been stepped on/broken when she was younger), but otherwise she is perky and in good health! She hasn't started laying yet this spring, but last year she laid 5 eggs in one week during an egg watch! We have several daughters & granddaughters from her - want to keep the longevity and good laying genes going!
That's so nice. I'm sure she's beautiful, crooked toes and all.

Ok!!! My eggs are here and this is the first thing I see after finding the box ON ITS SIDE with several clearly marked
on it.

As I open it I find.... Egg cartons and Bubble wrap. Lots of

I open each 1 by 1 and find only 2/14 damaged.

But that's ok. First time getting shipped eggs and 12/14 are good. I'm happy.

I'm glad those eggs arrived well. I got some eggs too and they are all in shape. I'm hoping they are just as good on the inside but I haven't candled them yet.

Got great news I shipped 50 eggs over seas same way I always pack them in foam and with the prenatal vitamin spray and even shipping them over seas they got over 80% hatch WOOT WOOT The are ordering another 50 but won't have them in time to set for this maybe next year.

I finally got the chance to set my eggs. I ended up getting 2 more than I thought I would. So here it is.

# Set: 86

I don't know if its only chicken people, but I personally would hang a poster of that on my wall. Such a beautiful sight.

Got my EHAL eggs set ~ 17 Legbar & 1 Silkie for a total of 18
The precious little silkies are always so sweet. They get along well with standard chicks too, even if they are the only bantie there.

I would like to join the hatch a long. What info do I need to give to join?
Welcome to the HAL!

It's official, I'm in!!

...and not because I have a broody hen....
..though I am hoping for some by hatch time!!

...but because my very, very, very good neighbor
is turning on his Sportsman incubator so I can be part of the hatchalong! I will be setting some shipped MF d'uccle eggs (these are for my great, fantastic, stupendous neighbor's son who loves bantams), some from my Icelandic flock, some from a friend's Icelandics and some from a friend's Welsummers. I will have to post numbers on Saturday!

You got icelandics and d'uccles! That is so amazing!

I will be setting 18 rainbow eggs
I set my eggs, 33 total. Paint Silkie/showgirls, CCL, Sapphires, White leghorns, Isabelle leghorns, project blue duckwing leghorn, BBS Barred Rocks and BBS Copper Marans.

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