The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Why is it that when I am so anxious to get home to check my incubators that my flight is delayed by an hour and a half?!

What did they win?
2 chicken tote bags.
Totally bummed at the moment!
The classroom hatch is a complete loss. 25 eggs were set and 0 hatched. We had some troubles early on with infertility and early quitters. Lockdown started Monday with only 6 eggs left. One of the eggs was questionable, but too dark to tell for sure.

Well, Wednesday (two days into the lockdown) the teacher gives me a call that they can't get the temperature above 80. I check it out and someone had removed the temp sensor out of the incubator.
I put the sensor back in and the temp was 103*F. It is unknown how or when this happened, or even exactly how hot the incubator got before I fixed it. Unfortunately, the chicks were "cooked!"

To save face and give the kids (ages 5-6) a feeling of success I purchased a couple TSC bantams and slipped them in before the kids arrived at school today.

The incubator and chicks came home this afternoon. An eggtopsy revealed that the one iffy egg was a late quitter, but the other 5 were "cooked." One was a blue/black/splash Maran with the splash pattern and another was a chick from my Ancona hen.
Totally bummed at the moment! :rant  The classroom hatch is a complete loss. 25 eggs were set and 0 hatched. We had some troubles early on with infertility and early quitters. Lockdown started Monday with only 6 eggs left. One of the eggs was questionable, but too dark to tell for sure.

Well, Wednesday (two days into the lockdown) the teacher gives me a call that they can't get the temperature above 80. I check it out and someone had removed the temp sensor out of the incubator. :eek:  I put the sensor back in and the temp was 103*F. It is unknown how or when this happened, or even exactly how hot the incubator got before I fixed it. Unfortunately, the chicks were "cooked!" :mad:  

To save face and give the kids (ages 5-6) a feeling of success I purchased a couple TSC bantams and slipped them in before the kids arrived at school today.

The incubator and chicks came home this afternoon. An eggtopsy revealed that the one iffy egg was a late quitter, but the other 5 were "cooked." One was a blue/black/splash Maran with the splash pattern and another was a chick from my Ancona hen. :he

Wow that is awful!! I am so sorry!! :( good thinking on you for purchasing some chicks for them though! Bet the kids would have been devastated!
Yeah, I felt it would be very difficult to explain to that age group about why none of the chicks hatched. I believe the chicks are Cochin bantams, which I am working to build a small flock. So, at least the chicks will have others their size to live with.

Yeah, that definitely would have been hard! And maybe would have thought they did it wrong. And that's good they're at least still breeds you want!
Yeah, I felt it would be very difficult to explain to that age group about why none of the chicks hatched. I believe the chicks are Cochin bantams, which I am working to build a small flock. So, at least the chicks will have others their size to live with.

Sorry about the class hatch. Good thinking about the chicks.
Totally bummed at the moment!
The classroom hatch is a complete loss. 25 eggs were set and 0 hatched. We had some troubles early on with infertility and early quitters. Lockdown started Monday with only 6 eggs left. One of the eggs was questionable, but too dark to tell for sure.

Well, Wednesday (two days into the lockdown) the teacher gives me a call that they can't get the temperature above 80. I check it out and someone had removed the temp sensor out of the incubator.
I put the sensor back in and the temp was 103*F. It is unknown how or when this happened, or even exactly how hot the incubator got before I fixed it. Unfortunately, the chicks were "cooked!"

To save face and give the kids (ages 5-6) a feeling of success I purchased a couple TSC bantams and slipped them in before the kids arrived at school today.

The incubator and chicks came home this afternoon. An eggtopsy revealed that the one iffy egg was a late quitter, but the other 5 were "cooked." One was a blue/black/splash Maran with the splash pattern and another was a chick from my Ancona hen.
Sorry about the hatch. It was nice that you could sneak in some chicks before the kids got to school.

Deadline for entry is MONDAY!!!
March 21st, 2016 at midnight PST

Contest #2

Photo Caption Contest #1!

7th Annual Easter Hatch-a-long!


Do you think you are funny?
Want some Bragging Rights?
Your creativity, wit and humor could win you bragging rights

AND some AWESOME Prizes! Enter the BYC Photo Caption Contest
and your entries will be judged on the basis of wit,
creativity, humor and originality!
Our BYC Judges will choose 10 finalists, and then YOU vote for your favorites!

3 “short and comical” entries

per contestant


click to:

1st Prize
Chicken Swing

Are you wondering if this thing is for real?

We wondered the same thing, incredulous that chickens could actually enjoy swinging.
We thought it was just a glorified roosting pole. We're happy to say that we were wrong!
For more details on the Chicken Swing click HERE

2nd Prize

This healthful supplement is not only good for your chicks,

it'll encourage them to eat more! Just check out this video, which shows how chicks prefer the feed with our all-natural Chickie Puffs mixed in. They love this supplement because it's chock-full of crushed Musca domestica pupae,
and even day-old baby chicks instinctually know that it's the "good stuff."
For more information on Chickie-Puffs click HERE

3rd Prize

Chicken Treat Ball

This treat ball offers a fun and healthy way to treat your pet chickens.
It gives your chickens a challenge and helps to prevents boredom
(and boredom can often lead to picking).

For More Information on the Chicken Treat Ball Click HERE

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