The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

You guys are freaking me out with the early hatches - I am not ready for them to hatch yet! I keep whispering to them, "Wait, wait, go slow..."

- Ant Farm
Is it too late to join? My chicks are due to hatch on Easter. I have Phoenix, American Longtails, Onagadori, and Yokohoma eggs set.

So, I know I'm waaaay late. I got my new incubator about 3 weeks ago & decided to toss in 3 eggs from the little quail I got off of Craigslist earlier that day. The screen says I have 3 days left...
The other eggs have been added since. I think I'm doing that staggering thing now...
Awwww, such pretty eggs!

I have a question. One of my eggs internally pipped into a normal looking air cell, early this morning. Now, it looks like there are vessels inside the air cell, and still no external pip. Should I be concerned?
Just wait and hopefully the blood vessels will recede.

Move all eggs out of the turners! Separated types with my daughters legos. I hope the heat distributes evenly! Lock Down is happening now

Very cool idea for separating them!

We are READY! anticipation is at a high level for our Seniors and Staff

Congrats to all of you with Pips and Chicks!

Once your hatch is complete, please post your total chicks hatched here in this Hatchalong thread, so Mike can start logging them! If nothing hatched, please post that too.
Up to 5 pips here - 3 Silkies, plus the two Wheaten AM's that pipped last night.
Still looking for the first pip on the Jubilee Orps, Bielefelders, and Swedish Flower Hens.

Congrats to all those who already have hatched chicks!

I am a bit frustrated with the Ova-Easy incubator as it seems to struggle SO much to get humidity over 55%!!
I had the same trouble last week with my first hatch - it does great up to 50%, then struggles to 55%, and runs constantly with little to no results trying to get up to 60%! It has the automatic humidity control and reservoir, which is definitely working, and the evaporation tray is filling up with water, but just doesn't seem to be raising the humidity like it should.
I finally got it to go up over 60% by opening the door quickly and splashing some hot water on a folded papertowel that I have lining the floor in front of the hatching tray. When the chicks start hatching, it does go up a little, it got up to 67% once last week during the hatch, but if it drops between hatchings, it struggles again to raise the humidity again to a decent hatching level! Anyone else on here have experience with one of the Brinsea Ova-Easy cabinet incubators, and any tips on humidity control during lockdown?
Call or send an email to brinsea.
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Quote: I know right!!!!! Have a great day!!!

Congrats to all of you with Pips and Chicks!

Once your hatch is complete, please post your total chicks hatched here in this Hatchalong thread, so Mike can start logging them! If nothing hatched, please post that too.
YAYAYYAYAYAYA its that time already!!! Morning Happy Chooks!!
You guys are freaking me out with the early hatches - I am not ready for them to hatch yet! I keep whispering to them, "Wait, wait, go slow..."

- Ant Farm
What have you got in the bator?

At first candle, one was a clear and pulled. Last candle & lock down, one had blood ring, so that left 38 eggs going into lock down. So far, nothing has pipped yet.

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