The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

So 2 out of the 7 hatch along eggs were fertile.
But since my broody Serama passed I took in her batch and put them in the incubator. 2 of them hatched Monday and one hatched today.
Her legacy continues

Aww, so glad you got some from her.
Not much is going on here. It hasn't stopped raining yet, but I did get the humidity to come down enough that the windows are no longer fogged. Silkie is working on zipping. Lots of pips that haven't gone beyond pips. And one egg that the membrane has turned brown around. I'm trying to stay away from the bator. I try to only check once every 30 mins.
Ok, I might have a problem with one of the Bielefelder eggs...
I was looking around at the hatching tray for more pips - I have 3 chicks hatched now BTW, another Wheaten & a Silkie!
Anyway, I suddenly noticed this yellow/brown wet spot near the back corner of the incubator! It was under a couple of Bielefelder eggs! I suspected that one of them had pipped on the underside of the egg, and must be leaking - possibly pipped through the yolk sac?
I decided to find out for sure and grabbed the 3 hatched chicks out in the process and put them under the heat plate in the brooder. I picked up the suspect egg and yep, there was a good size pip hole that looked wet and yellow/brown.
I turned the egg over and placed it where I could keep an eye on it. I don't know for sure, but I think I saw movement at the pip hole after I turned it over...
I hope it isn't drowned, or worse... Should I take it out and try and help any more or just leave it for now?

Here is a picture of the wet spot in the back and the egg - it is the brown one with the hole down by the lower metal bar in the pic - the one with a bit of poo toward the bottom of the egg.

For everyone saying they have internal pips, how do you know without candleing?

Also, I had a Silkie with a too large Air sac on day 18. I have the humidity at 70. Wondering if that is high enough.

My eggs aren't moving or doing anything. I know it's only day 19 but I'm nervous!!!!!
For everyone saying they have internal pips, how do you know without candleing?

Also, I had a Silkie with a too large Air sac on day 18. I have the humidity at 70. Wondering if that is high enough.

My eggs aren't moving or doing anything. I know it's only day 19 but I'm nervous!!!!!

You can hear them. If your careful you can open incubator fast and put a light against a few eggs
Checked two really quickly. One is just a full egg. Can see feathers but no movement. The other one was the Silkie. Air sac still fairly large. It's little toes were curled up and it was taking up most of the egg. No movement in it either. Now I'm even more worried! Lol @TJORDAN
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So my second wave of quail are hatching. I am putting them in a little plastic box in the bator so the ones that hatched yesterday don't trample them. I have one from last night that didn't close it's navel. I put a bandaid on him this morning only to check an hour later and he had torn it off. So I used some self sticking tape and put a piece of gauze over it and he had a little overall sort of thing. Two hours later and he was out of it and the protruding intestines looked worse. I decided to cull him but as I took him upstairs to get the scissors he was squirming so hard in my hands i decided what the heck I'll try and operate.

This is a splint that I made to try to stabilize my hen's hip. Didn't work because I couldn't keep it in place. I realized I could strap the quail chick to it so he couldn't squirm while I operated.

Operation tools: tweezers, dental probe, cotton swab with the end cut off.

Put sugar and Neosporin on the protruding intestine. Using the probe to hold open the hole/navel gently pushed the intestines in. Bandage like before but more carefully and hobble him so he couldn't claw it off. We will see.

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