The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

I'm losing it, you guys!! I still don't have any pips on any of my unturned eggs! I've been hearing cheeping all day and seeing wiggling, but still no pip. If they don't come out soon, I may explode! I wanna see my babies!!
Hi guys

Bad bad day here. Just terrible and I can't stop crying.

We moved the 8 baby quail from our test hatch out to the brooder in the coop. This morning we discovered that the power tripped out in the coop(something that hasn't happened in like 8 months) probably because of the rain but we don't really know why.

All 8 baby quail were dead when we found them.

I feel just terrible and I know DH2B does too. We've never had that happen and unfortunately in spite of it being quite warm out today for the time of year and all other precautions they were gone.

I'm just devastated and I can't stop crying.

We will brood in the porch from now on at least until summer but probably always for quail and probably always a couple of weeks for chicks. This is so heartbreaking.

We have more quail hatching in two weeks and they will be brooded in the porch for sure.

We had that happen out in our breeding quail cages but thankfully they made it through the night even in a heavy snow storm. I'm so sorry for your loss! *huggles*
We don't have an official "Baby Barn" yet so we transformed one of our spare rooms into a temporary one. With temperatures in the low teens we have no choice but to take this route and deal until we have a safe and stable structure with solid power outside. I hope your next batch makes it!

Your Fellow Homesteader,

I'm losing it, you guys!! I still don't have any pips on any of my unturned eggs! I've been hearing cheeping all day and seeing wiggling, but still no pip. If they don't come out soon, I may explode! I wanna see my babies!!
I was working via pm with someone last week that was worried about late hatching eggs. They had not pipped yet on day 21. They started going late in the day and 19 of 21 hatched!

Lol I set 11 turkey eggs into lockdown yesterday for Thursday hatch and during candle I'm pretty sure I saw an internal pip. Go down to check the hatcher and there it is, a poult staring back at me and another one pipped. 2 days early!

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