The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Hello everyone!  My name is Emily, and I'm new to BYC. I have 12 chickens and bought an incubator to finally hatch my own!

I'm trying to join the hatch-a-long, but I can't seem to find out how to add my name to Sheet 2.  Does anyone know how to do this?


Hi Emily, and :welcome
All you have to do is say: Can you add me? Or something along those lines, and the leader will add you! I have 20 chickens and I can tell you, incubating eggs is great fun! What incubator did you get? If you have any questions, I'm at your service. I am by no means a professional hatcher or chicken keeper, but I know a little about hatching. Also, if you need help with BYC, I can help teach you the BYC ways. Although, I'm pretty new here too.
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Got my ducks set today. Managed to drop one in the process. It doesn't look good but I doctored it with finger nail polish. We'll see what happens.
Been collecting eggs from my favorite chickens for a couple weeks now. I plan to try to fit all the chicken and quail eggs I get this week in there too. Not sure if I'll have to pull out the 3rd bator or not.
But, they are totally worth it. And personally don't have much trouble with mess now that they aren't in the brooder, which is probably due to the fact that they have a large pen and their pen is on a tiny hill.(I'm talking tiny)

Yes, I agree. They are 100% worth it. I have a smallish coop where my chickens and ducks go at night (they choose to), that way they're safe from predators. But during the day (usually 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM) they free range. So my ducks and chickens are completly healthy and I even have a 4 year old hen. When I walk outside my 2 adult male ducks will follow me around and nibble at my toes. I just hatched 3, and, yes, I agree that they're VERY messy when in the brooder. But again, totally worth it. I love my duckies :)
Today is set day for ducks, turkeys, guineas, peafowl, goose and pheasant!

pheasant: 22 to 29 days; set March 17th - March 24th
mallard (derived) duck,goose, turkey, guinea, peafowl: 28 days to hatch; set March 18th
You are getting rid of your ducks? :(  Sorry they don't molt well. I don't have problems with dirt spots and messes, but then again, I purposefully put the pen on a place with good drainage. 

I only have problems with messes in their sleep area, and I don't have any problems with dirt spots or feathers. I'm sad you're getting rid of them, but you do you :/
YAAAAAAAAAAY! MC The malposition started zipping. And she's out! No help! She has good coloring. A few seconds later MG hatched! That's all of the magpies! I got a 100% hatch out of all the magpie eggs I set! :celebrate (Now I wait for the anconas..)

I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Pics? :celebrate
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