The advantages of raising quail?

Well, I'm pretty sure you couldn't keep CPQ's with chickens (they'd probably eat them) but before the great quail massacre (**** mink) I kept eight cots with three cream crested legbars and they got along well. The quail had their own sleeping quarters, but they lived in the same run. sometimes the chooks even gave the quail mealworms from my hand.
I had a different problem, i introduced my Buttons and Cots together and my Buttons got beat up. Then, i changed them to different pens and then i introduced em together after some time and my Buttons beat up my Cots. (Cots beating up Buttons means Cots chase Buttons and peck at them) (Buttons beating up Cots means they jump in the air and peck at their eyes)

(Buttons are territorial, Cots... not so much)
Coturnix and Japanese are good for meat and egg production. And are fairly friendly and come in a wide range of colourations.

CBQ or Button quail can be used for egg production and at the bottom of aviaries to collect dropped bird seed, they also come in beautiful colours.

Bobwhite are a little more aggressive but still lay eggs and I think are used for meat production as well, but I barely know anything about bobwhites. But their call is lovely.

There are heaps more old world quail, and a ton of new world quail as well, but I don't know them all. But coturnix and button's are easier to raise than bobwhite's from what I've read.
Thanks for the information. Now I need to figure out what which ones I want.
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