The adventures of Barbara (BR)

I'm not sure Barbara is all that much of a lady, but she is definitely a Diva!

I have yet to meet a Barred Rock hen that ISN'T a diva! Mine sure are.
wonder if that is just BR personality, cuz my roo has definate ego issues!
Coping in the Coop
Barbara settled in nicely once she got that uppity blue egg chicken straightened out. Most of the others found a spot that was satisfactory to roost, except for the Wyandotte cockerel, Walter. He kept falling off the roost. He had grown so big so fast that he was completely uncoordinated, and the least bit of jostling from the girls knocked him off the perch. The Food Lady was hoping he would be coordinated enough to romance the six girls she had for him, but it wasn’t going to be any time soon. Walter would soon be the size of a turkey and the girls weren’t going to be easily seduced if he was clumsy.

"Not my problem" , thought Barbara, "I have bars and Walter has laces, so I do not think he is meant to be my man chicken. Leroy cannot be replaced that easily, and besides, he has a cute round fluffy butt."


The Food Man and the Assistant Food Man put some pink stuff on the walls and it is nice and toasty in the coop now. It was drizzly and cold out, so Barbara and Leroy stayed in the warm coop and looked out the window. Barbara produced another nice egg, and it wasn’t quite so uncomfortable this time.
Barbara is right-Leroy does have a cute fluffy butt. Glad the Food People are getting the coop warm and cozy for Barbara and company.

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