The adventures of Barbara (BR)

I love the stories I have 2 barred rocks and now I understand where their attitude come from keep the stories coming
The Peculiar Dog
Barbara was a member of the Big Chickie Girls Coop, but occasionally she would go and visit the Little Chickie Girls in the Banty Coop out by the barn. She had to make sure there were no treats out there that had gone unnoticed. Most of the Little Chickie girls were white cochins and they fluttered prettily on the green grass.


One day earlier in the summer, Barbara went to see the Little Chickie Girls (and their feeder). The Food Man was nearby in the barn when he looked up to notice all the Little Chickie girls scurrying out toward the edge of the tall grass toward a pointy eared animal with a bushy tail playing with a mouse. The Little Girls thought it was just another dog, like Annie the Giant Golden Retriever, and maybe it had found something good to eat! It had found something good to eat all right, but it was the Little Chickie Girls!

The Little Chickie Girls’ Rooster, Hot Shot (son of Hot Stuff) sounded the alarm. The Little Chickie Girls looked around. Danger? What danger? Barbara was still in the Banty coop helping herself to their food, but soon she started calling the alarm too and the Little Chickie Girls stopped running toward the kit fox and scattered.

Barbara poked her head out the coop door. The little fox was as startled as the young banties. He took off through the tall grass. The Little Girls had gone into hiding.

Barbara resumed eating until her crop stuck way out in front. Leroy was waiting for her at the bottom of the coop steps. All the food had made her a little slow, so Leroy stole a romantic moment with Barbara before they went over to sun in the flower bed. The Little Chickie Girls were saved, thanks to Hot Shot and Barbara's appetite.
Thank heavens Barbara has such a healthy appetite! She is a hero!

By the way, your little cochins are lovely.

Having a bit of a rough day today and I was so pleased to see a new Barbara Adventure. She makes me smile.
Glad we could cheer you up a little!
Thanks, I love my little girls, too. I'm excited to get hatching; I wish they were as excited to get laying!

Today is warm (sort of) and sunny so I MUST get the flower bulbs planted this afternoon. Chickendad let all the girls out, so I expect they will "help" me. I am surprised there is one earthworm left in my flower beds. I will have to find a photo of the flower bed BEFORE Barbara and her friends ate it.

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