The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Whew!!! i just found this thread and have spent the last 2 1/2 hours reading all 67 pages! Love the stories of Barbara and her flock. I have one BR named Odette. I used to have another BR hen named Jack who was the sweetest chicken I've ever known.
Well, I must say...I didn't know I was visiting a famous chickens house when I got some eggs from you last month. I found this tread and have slowly been reading it (68 pages is a lot). I am sorry to hear about chucky, he was my favorite. Hope all of the chickens are doing well. I can't wait for those SS to start laying.

Here is a footnote for The Adventures of Barbara: two Baby Girls! They just looked too cute not to share.

Thanks! No, these babies are bantam cochins, the one on the right is a Mille Fleur Cochin project bird.

I didn't let Leroy and Barbara go to the Honeymoon Hotel, but Leroy managed to honeymoon with several of the other girls when Barbara was busy moulting. The resulting children are strange—barred rocks with feathered feet and Wyandotte chicks with feathered feet. Apparently Leroy could not catch any of the Silly Ameraucana Sisters, those all hatched purebred. The moral is: do not hatch your chickies before the parents have had a long honeymoon!

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