The adventures of Barbara (BR)

I would love to have them but I live in Kansas they are so cool looking I think they would be neat in my backyard flock.

Well, I could ship them, but it would cost about $50 for both of them. . . . kinda expensive for a couple of "Love Children"

As for hatching eggs, Leroy and Barbara are not in the plans for making more babies. They are just practicing on their own, but Barbara is in with the rest of the laying flock and I don't know which eggs are hers. I am concentrating on collecting hatching eggs of the Wyandottes, Ameraucanas and Bantam Cochins.
let me talk to DH and see what he says is one of them a roo, i thought so and have been wanting a roo to help with the girls, let me know and i will talk to hubby and see if I can do that. lol
I love he Barbara stories !
I have a Barbara however she likes to be called Gertrude or Gertie for short

She also does some funny antics - I wish I lived close enough for Barbara's love children .
Yesss!! Or maybe Caroline could make embroidered chicken saddles! What a great idea! All our girls could have personalized chicken saddles with their own logos!

I took the treat bag to the store today to tote home some stuff, but it was raining so bad I didn't want to get it wet, so we went plastic. It is very cool!
Our chickens think our duck is a chicken, so poor duck is starting to need a saddle...also some of the other chickens need one. DH (and some friends) had never heard of such a thing and think I am crazy! LOL They have a lot to learn!
I think when I had my new babies in the house Peepers was reading about Barbara over my shoulder because yesterday she chased the dog pecking his feet and tail and then she felt the need to tight rope walk across the beams for the new coop was upset because I forgot my camera. but it was funny and all I could think was she was trying to be like Barbara even if she is an Australorp and not a barred rock I will get some pics and post she is 8-9 weeks old and things she the queen I can't wait to see what she becomes when she a full grown chicken.
Party on the Porch

Leroy and Hot Stuff have graduated from anger management class and have been practicing what they learned with the Big Girls. Now that they can play nice, they have been catching up on romance, so a couple of the girls are looking a bit shopworn. Leroy is looking better since Walter performed surgery on his wattles, but is giving Walter lots of space and not flirting with the Wyandottes AT ALL. Here is Leroy's "after" picture:

The Big Girls and the Little Boys got to free range today, but it was so cold that they must have thought it was fall again. They came up to the back door “trick or treating” and looking wistfully in the house.

The Food Lady had a plate of leftover spaghetti, so let the girls have a party on the porch. The girls enjoyed it immensely. They also begged a few Cheerios and some plain spaghetti before running off to find out what prize Hot Stuff had found. Of course, the natural consequences of eating so much caused a lot of “deposits” to be made on the porch, so that will be a project to clean up as soon as it quits raining. The girls are always willing to do their part!

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