The adventures of Barbara (BR)

A Busy Chicken Weekend!

Sixteen new babies hatched, the Brooder Babies got moved to the Bigger Brooder; the Bigger Brooder Babies got moved to the Garage Brooder, and the Garage Brooder Babies got moved to the Breezeway Pen. Then the Food Man, Chickendad, hooked up the John Deere and moved the Big Girls Coop to a fresh patch of grass.

The Girls were left inside while he dragged the coop to it’s new location, and there was much complaining and baw-gawking. But it didn’t slow the Big Girls down any. There was an egg from nearly everyone.

Having paid the rent for the day, the Big Girls went out to explore. There was lots of yummy stuff where the coop had been sitting and the girls had a free-for-all party, including mouse morsels. Barbara got mixed up and went out the wrong door. She found herself in the pen with Walter and the Wyandottes. Mrs. Chickendad had to go rescue her before turkey-sized Walter got any big ideas. Barbara was much more suited to her Little Chicken Man, Leroy.

When Mrs. Chickendad moved all the Babies earlier, she picked them up and inspected them. One of the Little Cochin Girls snuggled down in her lap and chirruped. Then she noticed a scab on Mrs. Chickendad’s arm and before she could react, the Little Girl picked it off and ate it. EEEEwwwwwww! Meanwhile the Silver Ameraucana Boys in the Breezeway Pen had found a worm outside and played worm keep away, mostly because they didn’t know what else to do with it. One of the Little Girls finally came up and snatched it away from them and ate it end to end. What a yummy weekend!
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I just found the Adventures of Barbara tonight. I started reading at work and HAD to finish reading ALL 75 pages at home. I giggled and giggled with my DH looking at me funny. Please keep the adventures coming!
Thank You! But some of the funniest things that happened have to do with the "romance" department. It would have to be an X-rated children's book! It's been windy here the past few days, and Leroy keeps getting "blown off".

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