The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Glad to hear you're home, recovering well, enjoying your new babies (ah, the baby pic! the cuteness! the Cuteness!!!), and back in the author's saddle again! Kudos to ChickenDad for all he does, and thank you for sharing the wonderful world of Barbara with us!
I've really been enjoying following Barbara's stories

This is just priceless LOLOL !!!

"The Silly Ameraucana Sisters laid blue eggs because they obviously had a hormone problem. The proof was their beards! Girls with beards couldn’t lay beautiful brown proper eggs. Barbara decided to be happy with what she has and who she is. It was a better New Year’s resolution than trying to lose her Big Butt."
Aromatherapy... Silly Ameraucana girls with beards and hormone problems...

I've been laughing out loud again and the neighbors are looking at me funny. They walk past my window and see me laughing at the wall. (They can't see the computer on my desk.)

I'm so glad you're back home and writing again. It's belated, but welcome back!

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