The adventures of Barbara (BR)

A Short Summer

The two days of summer last week were not enough for either the Chickendads or the chickens. The rain and wind since then have been very annoying and everyone is complaining. Barbara is going to have to put her blue dress back on, as after a couple of days cooped up with the amorous Walter, she is getting shopworn again. She is up to two tailfeathers now, though. Every little bit helps.

The little white cochin rooster, Scampi (as in Chicken Scampi) has decided that Chickendad is his true love. Scampi follows him around like a little puppy, “bukabukabuking” all the time. He brings Chickendad treats and perches on the feed bin wanting to be picked up. Scampi is sometimes called “Stubby” due to losing his beautiful tailfeathers in the dog attack of a few weeks ago. There are quills showing now, so he should be looking better with time.

There are lots and lots of babies hatched out now. There is one more group of eggs still sleeping in the incubator. The last batch of 45 woke up last week. Chickendad is getting nervous about having so many mouths to feed, so he built a nice little chicken tractor to sell. Barbara and the other Big Girls supervised the construction, giving their “stamp of approval” (several times), necessitating a cleanup on the part of the Chickendads.

Barbara had a date with Leroy the other day. They roamed through the yard, but it was hard for little bantam Leroy to keep upright in the wind. There were lots of tasty earthworms that had not learned to swim in the puddles, so it was worthwhile to stay outside and search the yard. Besides, Barbara needed the extra protein to help make some new feathers. Walter did not take kindly to Leroy moving in on his territory, but Walter is big and clumsy and the spritely little Leroy can get away easily, especially since he can then be with Barbara, his Main Chicken Woman.
you beat me! that is beautiful and scampi is a doll- cochins are awesome- my barbara escaped an attack of a coyote- we lost over a week 2 chickens and 2 ducks- and one of the chickens that survived is sporting only one tail feather- made me think of barabara
That is lovely, and it should get a couple three months worth of feed. Hopefully the babies will find new homes at a profit, too.
I have my first group of babies sleeping incubator, have no idea if any will hatch. Will candle them on Sat to see if any action is occurring.
Very nice little chicken house!

Would Mr Chickendad like to come to Jersey and build me one, too?

Glad you, Barbara and her friends are doing well and that the babies are coming along!

And thanks for another lovely story!!!!
Dear Mrschickendad - my southern belle Babs is in the nursery in the midst of the big chicken yard. The first thing "she" did was bump chests with Hunner through the fence. I noticed yesterday that "she" was offering her spaghetti noodle to anyone who would take it on the other side of the fence. It may be that "she" was keeping it from "her" cratemates, but I don't know. I guess I really won't know until I see an egg or hear a crow! In another week, I'll let the babies join the big girls. I have to have a day dedicated to merging with spray bottle in hand.

If Hunner could talk, would he tell me who Babs really is?

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