The African and Chinese goose thread!!

What percent of humidity does well with geese eggs and hatching them

In the incubator I keep it around 45% and at lockdown raise it to around 70%. Broody hens will manage the humidity just fine.
I have a quick question. I bought some geese from a feed store, It was "hatchery's choice st. run". Three are either brown Chinese or African and one is I'm almost positive white Chinese (I wasn't going to get any white ones but it was going to be the last one left and all by itself so I couldn't just leave it
) The brown ones are the same age and quite a bit larger than the white one. My question is; is it safe to assume that the brown ones are indeed African and not brown Chinese?
Congrats on the babies! Unlikely they are true african. Many feed stores and hatcheries call them "african" but they are truly crossed with chinese. I fell into this too, and later learned the truth. African are huge, heavy birds. Chinese have a long slender neck and different sound. They are much more active also than African from what I have learned.
@servpolice has some true African, but haven't seen a post from him lately. If you want true african, its best to find a reputable breeder.

He's ready 2 fight

lol, I have some concerns that my African might actually be a Toulouse... my Chinese stands up more often than the African and seems like he has a longer neck, and he definitely has the right stance. We grabbed the African out of the Chinese bin because for whatever reason he was already in there and we thought they were already buddies - I did ask for sure that he was an African but I suppose in hindsight there was no real way for them to know. Also the bill on my Chinese is sloping downwards whereas the African seems rather straight. The African is also quite a bit smaller and the same age.
Congrats on the babies! Unlikely they are true african. Many feed stores and hatcheries call them "african" but they are truly crossed with chinese. I fell into this too, and later learned the truth. African are huge, heavy birds. Chinese have a long slender neck and different sound. They are much more active also than African from what I have learned.
@servpolice has some true African, but haven't seen a post from him lately. If you want true african, its best to find a reputable breeder.
Thanks! I know they are not the true dewlap Africans, I guess when I asked if they are Africans I meant it loosely lol. I love them either way though ^.^ One of these days I want to get some buff Africans from David Holderread, Those are beautiful!
Tried to get a picture of my 3 goose hens sitting on one BIG nest! Gander was not having it, and I was concerned the hens might break eggs. My 4 remaining girls haven't went broody yet.. One girl is building a nest already.
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Quote: Thank you and yes, they do. Its always the oldest hens. Seems like the yearlings don't cut it with the older girls. The ganders won't allow the yearlings in there to lay either. I have a second goose house, so my lil girls are laying in there. One mature hen hasn't went broody yet, so she hangs out with the youngest girls and the 3 ganders.
Thank you and yes, they do. Its always the oldest hens. Seems like the yearlings don't cut it with the older girls. The ganders won't allow the yearlings in there to lay either. I have a second goose house, so my lil girls are laying in there. One mature hen hasn't went broody yet, so she hangs out with the youngest girls and the 3 ganders.
I can see where those 3 would be a force to reckon with. lol look forward to your little goslings pics.
This is peepers. We got her from a feed store who ordered through ideal. She has developed a little tuft on her head but its not in the correct place to be a true roman. I originally thought we picked a chinese but now I just dont know what she may be. What do yall think? Ive included a baby pic as well. She is 10 weeks old now.



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