The Aloha Chicken Project

Sorry to hear about your Legbars!  I have some friends down here who may be able to provide some Legbar / Aloha cross eggs by the way - which would jump you one generation already!  They have a few Aloha hens and a Legbar rooster.  Obviously, that would be something for when the temps cool down a bit.  LOL.  
If the rooster is barred all chicks will carry one gene for barring and will all be hen barred (darker barring than a rooster who has two genes for barring) so they won't be sex linked
Awesome :) that would be great, not to mention I have been having a bunch of trouble finding organic hens. :/ anyhow we have been busy around here, even being up north we are around 95 and 100 degrees right now so we have been working early and late. Dealing with animals and predators in the area (they are learning I am the biggest predator :) lol We can't wait for fall :)!!!!!
So the hens from a Legbar hen and Aloha rooster cross would be the NOT-barred babies, and they would carry zero copies of the Barred gene?

Guess we need to find some pure Legbar eggs then.  I think there is someone locally who sells them!

I'm checking with someone fairly close to me on the Cream Legbars eggs or hens.
I will be setting eggs tomorrow to advance my Naked Necks.

Although the Alohas and NN Alohas are not quite to laying age yet. The roosters I think are plenty old enough for mating though. I have none if them separated into breeding runs yet.

I will have 14 of the eggs, maybe 15 if I get one tomorrow, of the Mottled Partridge hens egg that is marred to a Red NN roosters that has a few mottled on his wing shoulders and wing feathers. Hoping for a very good hatch from them of Calicos, the hen is going on 4 years old and may not have her much longer.

The ones that hatch will help me along in my NN project.

With what I have left from the Alohas I don't know how far I'll be able to use them in the project. I have only 1 each of the Aloha and the Aloha NN in pullets. I'll be keeping the one NN rooster left and keep two of the Aloha roosters. One of them doesn't have a tin of white on him but is the best shaped one here. The other one has quite a bit of white on him. The other two will be leaving here in September, they have too large combs and are a little floppy.

I'll use one if the Aloha roosters over various colored NN hens.

In fact I'm going to sell off all my current roosters and keep the Alohas and Aloha NN. I'll also keep two or three young cockerels I have coming up.
Draye, I have a couple new Naked Neck "teenagers" here for the NN project pen, that are growing out. The baby girls are really well marked but unfortunately have pink / white legs not yellow! Bummer.

However, the older (now 5+ months) NN hens are laying. I've decided to keep two of them:

I love the "rainbow" of color effect on this hen, how her chest is golden orange, wings brown, and tail nearly black. It makes me think of a leopard! Very exotic.

The other hen, this photo of her was taken back in JULY so she's bigger now:

She has a lot going for her. Her size is terrific! She's one of the biggest young hens that I have. She also has nice yellow legs, and very good distinct mottling.

I feel both of these hens have plenty to offer the Aloha program even if the Naked Neck gene is bred out later.

I also still have the two hens hatched earlier last Spring. One turned out very small, more "original" Aloha size, which is not Banty but maybe Leghorn? Like 3-4 pounds. But she has the most gorgeous golden buff background color. She could use better size and more white spangling. The other hen is more spotty and larger, but darker buff, almost brown. Anyway, need new photos of those hens, but the point is, THEY SURVIVED.

We had another terrible heat wave with a record temp of 117 about a week ago. I was afraid to post because the hot temps kept on coming. Not 117, that was just one day, but we had several 112 to 115 degree temps, and my friends on FB were losing chickens all over the place! I was terrified.

So, I have a total of four Mottled Naked Neck hens of laying age, plus two more that are growing out and will be laying in December.

Plus the original Naked Neck hen who started this whole line survived. This is the Buff one, (non Aloha, just hatchery Turken) from next door, who I "adopted" for the summer, because I wanted to see her make it through and get all the TLC that I could offer! She may go back to her owners, but I wanted to try and help her through the summer as much as I could.

I will probably get that rooster from my friend in Tucson later this Fall and start putting hatching eggs on Ebay possibly in December or something like that?

The Naked Neck Alohas were great layers this summer. In fact, I had someone who really really wanted chicks (in July!) so I put in 84 eggs and only 15 chicks hatched. FOUR of the babies were Naked Necks! Considering I only have 3 hens with Naked Necks, and two of those are split for the gene (which means only half the babies will show NN) that means the NN were doing a lot of the laying during this period! So by that little experiment, it appears they not only survived, but managed to lay pretty well despite brutal heat.

Good job, Turken Girls!!!
FYI the original Buff Turken hen that started this line? That is officially her THIRD summer surviving Phoenix heat! WOW!

All of the older hens look raggedy and really GROSS right now. Part of that is molting. The other part, I put in the misters, and now there is all this mud around the coop. Ewww.

So I've been taking photos of the teenagers, who still look good. I'll have to wait a while to take updated photos of the rest of the flock. The look terrible! Two are almost done molting and starting to look decent again, so there is hope. But in the meantime, it's a worn-out bunch of chickens out there. Three months of 100-117 degree heat. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I don't know how they did it. I would look horrible, too, if I'd had to sit outside in this heat for three months!

We have our first under-100 degree day in the forecast since June! Yippeeeee!!!!
Well the lady I checked with doesn't have any available right now, but maybe next spring ( on the Legbars).

I'm needing to get more picture my self, but am trying to hold off until later this month. There's going to be an auction. I'm thinning them down for the winter. Getting rid of all my older roosters except one, and keeping four rooster from the Aloha hatch and 2 from my hatch after them.

I'll be moving them around after tge sale, so I'll try to get pictures then.

Have to get things ready to put all these babies into the brooder run.
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