The Aloha Chicken Project

I take some more and update all of you. Watching these guys feather is just amazing!

I'm very surprised with the personalities with these guys. I have been doing some gardening and I feel like the pied piper, not only to they "help" but they'll perch on my backside, feet, calves, shoulders & of course my head as well. Silly birds! They have become very friendly and outgoing lately. Love these guys!

edited to correct spelling
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This is just a courtesy post to tell some of you you're being watched!

Seriously though, I think it's neat what you guys are doing - creating a new breed.
I could never do it, myself!
I wish all of you that are involved good luck and success!!
Dear Stalkers,
Things are really quiet here because our fearless leader is out of town. She'll be back next week ? I think and then we'll be back to normal. Welcome!!

runsw/scissors: How 'bout those pics?
Digit's disaster update #2:

She is still eating well, but now this includes standing and walking with a severe limp. This is a major improvement as before she could not use her right leg at all. I worry she might always be... handicapped... but I am now confident she can return to the flock soon. I can tell she is beginning to get restless in her rabbit hutch.
I am so glad to see her recovering... I would hate to have to cull her, which would be the only option if she was unable to walk. Having a limp is okay, as long as she is not suffering. She has the will to continue and at this rate she will be joining the ranks of most pampered ladies in the flock.
two roosters in one coop isnt working out so well for us. now that the ladies are "ready" king has decided there's no room for snow. for the past 2 mornings now we find snow huddled in a corner out of sight and out of reach. so now he's running all around the yard with the dogs doing as he pleases. king is big and not bad coloring, i actually love his white wing tips. but he has NO TAIL feathers still. i dont think they'll ever grow back - i dont even know if he ever had any to begin with. snow is beautiful but small, common with our aloha roosters.
anyway. i would like to give these away (locally) since i have more cooking and growing out and these arent going to be keepers anyway. if you know anyone please contact me.

Wow What a neat project! Im also in AZ i'd love to get some and help out!
Since this program is so far along, I've decided to set up a new thread for it.

What is the "Aloha Chicken Project"?

A few years ago, before Greenfire Farms imported the fabulous Swedish Flower Hens, I set about trying to create an American version of it. Now that Greenfire has imported the Swedish Flower Hens, or Blommehons, finally we have the ability to buy Blommehons in the U.S. Yay!

However, in the meantime, something pretty cool happened in my backyard, with what I was working with. I started to get some amazing colors and feather patterning. So, even though the original goal was to re-create the Swedish Flower Hen breed in the United States, and now it's here, I've decided to go own developing the American version, because it has a unique charm all its own.

These chickens shown below have NO SWEDISH FLOWER HEN bloodlines:





Right now, these chickens are smaller than what I would like, but improvement to size is happening. A few other people have now stepped in to help. Everyone is welcome!

Links to other info:

History/info from the start of the program in late 2008 through spring 2011:

Brand new Blog, for updates from Fall 2011 onward:

And a previous BYC thread, titled "Orange Mottled Chicken" - it's still going, but I thought that we're so far along that someone starting at the beginnng of that thread would have a lot to cover by now, ha ha. So if you haven't read through that whole thread, or don't want to, you can start here.

I am not sure where this program will end up, but the goals have started to diverge from the Swedish Flower Hens. If you were to ask "how are these different from Flower Hens?" I'd say: No feather crests on Alohas. More emphasis on orange/gold/red/bright colors. Less black/brown mottled. The "Confetti" color is another thing - the color I've called "Confetti" looks similar to some Swedish Flower Hen photos I've seen. These photos are on Feathersite and I also found some in this light pattern on a breeder's page over in Sweden a while back. However, none of the imports from Greenfire have shown up in this color, as far as I can tell? At least, not yet. Maybe it will show up in time, but right now, this color is very prominent in the Alohas. If you were to describe it, instead of a "colored chicken with light dots" you would call these "a white chicken with dark spots". Here's another example:


There is still a long ways to go, but I hope you'll enjoy following along! I thought enough progress has been made that perhaps it deserved a "breed thread" by now. LOL!

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