The Aloha Chicken Project

Speaking of the fading spots syndrome, I have that has lost her spots.
Do I keep her or cull her or ???

This is maddening! Tam'ra could you pm me please? I'd like to discuss swapping eggs/chicks later this year. I have two very nice looking roos, one of which should be a good size, but not many hens so far...
I'm going to keep my fading spot roosters, and try crossing them with Sussex and half-Sussex, who of course keep their colors.

Obviously, SOMETHING is going on with these chicks, I mean, that is a TON of white. Those don't look like "normal" solid chicks. But, I cannot understand why it would fade out like it is on Cheeto's offspring.

I'm going to see it through for another generation. I mean, I've used chicks in the past for breeding that were solid colored, but I know they carried the genes, and their babies have spots! So the fact these show color - even if it fades before maturity - is still, to me, better than using chicks with no white at all? I would think???

For example, I'm almost positive "Nui" the giant half-Sussex hen here, her mom is a half Aloha "solid" hen with no spots. So her mom had NO spots, and yet daughter Nui keeps developing more white as she ages, not less.

Let's hope the next generation keeps the spots? Gotta give it a try . . . can't give up too soon . .
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just wanted to post a few pics of the classroom hatch chicks. they are a month old now and looking really good. i think there are maybe 5 roosters in there, could be more but they look alike so its hard to tell which one i already counted, LOL
this one is a beautiful roo, and he's a good size too so even if he loses some white, he can spare it!!

and just some cutie pie pics of the grow outs

and the weirdo from pen 4. the cutest little odd ball and sweet too

and the weirdo from pen 4. the cutest little odd ball and sweet too

This is just strange. So not what I was expecting! Pen #4 was pure SUSSEX hens and a barred buff rooster. Okay, on the bottom pic, the chick to the far right? With the light spot on his head? He/She is Barred. The rest . . . um, I was really expecting them to look exactly like pure Sussex. So, have we already proven that the Buff Barred Mottled rooster managed to shake up the system? Usually, my Alohas when crossed with Sussex only result in what look like crappy smaller Sussex. Dark brown with some spots, but smaller than Sussex and sometimes with funky Aloha combs. These do not look like Sussex chicks! What a mystery it's going to be seeing them grow up . . .
just wanted to post a few pics of the classroom hatch chicks. they are a month old now and looking really good. i think there are maybe 5 roosters in there, could be more but they look alike so its hard to tell which one i already counted, LOL
this one is a beautiful roo, and he's a good size too so even if he loses some white, he can spare it!!

and just some cutie pie pics of the grow outs

Hmmm. Lots of too-small "gamey' wild-type hens. Those will probably end up as culls, even though many will color up some. Lots of roosters! I see a few that might work out but not many. It's kind of what I expected, the breeding pen was a mess when you got those eggs, which is why I'd wanted to get you Stephen's eggs instead. But that's what I predicted when you picked those eggs up, that there probably wouldn't be much improvement in that batch and it would mostly be "more of the same" small Aloha stock. Although I do see a few yellow legs that are telltale signs of Cheeto's influence. The mostly-white rooster may work out provided he has the needed size and body type to go along with the color.

Notinoz - I do have a few roosters that I'm growing out here, and one of them may work out for you. Keeping my fingers crossed!

And many of your chicks are only starting to color up, so things are going to change a lot in your pen as they age . . .
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We moved the Alohas outside to a temporary enclosure until we get more breeder pens done, which are getting close -- YAY! The Alohas love it outside and are happily dust bathing and scratching up the grass. I love to just watch them and think about who to pair with who. #1 rooster isn't in an enclosure and he just stands guard over the Aloha pen. He has posted himself as sentinel for some reason. The spotty rooster is never too far away, either.

We did an official count when we moved them and I've decided I must have miscounted when they hatched because I only have 41 birds.
I haven't had but one loss and they are not where any type of predators whatsoever could have gotten to them, so I must have miscounted. Anyway, we counted 21 hens and 20 roosters. Now what made me think I was short on hens? I guess the roos are just more noticeable. I'm thinking to breed half of them, just matching them to birds who have strengths where they do not, since I have plenty to choose from. I have one feather-legged bird and a couple with tufts. The feather legged one, I'm thinking will have to go. But the tufts, hmmm. Think I might just put them in my EE pen.

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