The Aloha Chicken Project

Here are a few shots of my beautiful birds enjoying the great outdoors. They are 7 weeks old already. We will be splitting them between two pens this weekend but they seem perfectly comfortable right now. Of course, the grass underneath them will be happy with less birds.

Pretty birds

Look at the bright red colors! The white one in the lower right is my favorite cockerel. He is so pretty.


Sure wish I hadn't blurred this one, but you can still see the variety. All of them have at least a hint of white. I'm really happy with them and am excited about watching them grow up. I enjoy them so much because for the most part they are very friendly.
i'm hoping they wont be too small, they're only a month old so i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for now, lol.
i did get a wonderful hen out of my christmas hatch. she is as big as my moms full grown silver laced wyandott and i consider that pretty darn good size. she's also beautiful. a bit like a speckled sussex, except a lighter brown variety and bigger body. if i can brave the heat i'll try to get a picture of her in the daylight.
also, great news here. someone laid an egg
i'm not sure who did it, but i found it in the floor of the run. a few of the ladies were looking at it then looking around, wondering where it came from, LOL!!!
as for roosters, i rehomed mine. there was too much testosterone in my small yard and my neighbors live awfully close (i'm in a duplex!!) i am growing out plenty more so i think i am going to take a bit of a break from the crowing for now, unless you have something truly amazing. i loved king, but he was a bit much...
karen those are some beauties! and i am so jealous of your grass, lol. one thing i miss about kansas is the wonderful green all around. and water, i miss water in every little creek and stream. *sigh*
i'm not sure i'll be going to kansas this summer but my mom might, and my inlaws are coming here so if anyone is going to drive i'll put a bug in their ear about carrying eggs for you - if alohachickens or laree have any.
Thanks Tracy! I understand about the grass and water. I spent approx 4 months in the Phoenix area once and while I enjoyed it while there, I'm sure I would have missed the green and water had I been there longer.

It's not just anyone who will consider driving eggs across country, so I'll certainly understand if it doesn't happen.

As I've watched my birds progress, I really think there is a large percentage of them I can use for breeding since I have a good assortment that I can use to improve with. My Speckled Sussex, Buff Orps, New Hamps and one Buff Rock will be paired with the Alohas to improve size, color, leg size, comb or whatever. I am going to breed one of the lesser roos with my Red Stars just for fun but won't be incorporating them into the Aloha flock. I think I may get some pretty crele colored birds that lay lots of eggs. I'm having lots of fun thinking of how it will all work!
Here are some pictures of some 2 to 3 week old chicks. I still have about 200 more in the brooder also that i will post pictures of when i get back home.

the mystery layer is about 21 weeks old now. its such a tiny egg and so precious. i do hope they get bigger tho.

also, now that my two roosters are gone, one of my 3 month old guys has decided its his turn to crow. so my plan of being noise free isnt working out so well, lol
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