The Aloha Chicken Project

AZgamebirds, those are very nice birds! How big are they?

Some of mine are shaping up to be quite nice sized... of course, those aren't the ones with the best colouring.

Most of them will be a medium to large bird. Although some of the Aloha/Buff Orp crosses are almost twice the size of chicks that hatched on the same day.
out of my original 23 christmas hatch alohas i kept ONE that i think looks fabulous. she is as big as my wyandott and is laying now (its small, but its an egg!!) you can tell she is from sussex stock, her mottling gives that away, but she is a wonderful shade of red/brown with white and black spots so i think thats pretty good. i'm hoping that my next batch of alohas is going to grow me a nice roo for her.
pictures later - i have to get out there and do some yard work tomorrow anyway.
I haven't updated in a while, so I figured I should drop in.
My injured hen, Digit, is fully recovered and, even better, is tamer now than before her accident!
I have a total of 7 mystery mutt chicks and I am pretty sure that includes 3 buff orp x alohas, up to 3 sussex x alohas, and the last I speculate is a BLRW x SL polish, though I have NEVER seen a chick that color and pattern before.
I still have broodies on eggs, so that may change any day now.
Hi Everyone! OMG, I love seeing all the new photos!

Karen, so many pretty babies! They are adorable!

I love the hen in the middle photo by AZGameBirds . . . good size and and plenty of white. Love the color on his smaller buff/tan mottled one as well. And that giant stock feeder FULL of chicks? WOW!

I have been trying to recover from my recent eye surgery, so I've been staying at my Mom's house about 20 minutes away. It is much cleaner up here, with a lot less dirt and dust. My place is in an "urban farm" neighborhood so there is more dirt, bugs, germs, etc. because it's zoned for livestock.

My boyfriend has been caring for the Alohas while I've been gone. I didn't want to risk getting dirt or debris in the freshly stitched eye. Wow, stitches in your eye is a very STRANGE feeling, ha ha ha. But overall I'm recovering as well as can be expected and things are doing fine! And the double vision has gone away. That's wonderful news! (Double vision is common after this surgery and can linger up to two weeks, so I feel very fortunate that it went away after only two days.) I still have a bit of healing to do, however, before I'd consider the eye "safe" from infection . . . so I'll likely be here at least a few more days. I miss my chickies! Thanks for sharing the photos, that helps! :)
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