The American Cemani Breeders forum

But why Randy? WHY?????
5 are out and one zipped. last one the small egg that I thought was a quitter ... just pipped!

If these two make it out that will be 100%! Not bad for shipped eggs!

And no feathered feet. Heads and beaks of all are black. I have not looked in their mouth yet.

One chick has quite a bit of white on its feet, wing tips, and belly.

Two are fair with one white toe and touch of white on the wing tips.

Two are pretty nice, only the nail part of one toe is clear.

Last two are still unknown.

I have a question about that. With Silkies they tend to get darker and fill in as they get older. Will AC get darker also??


I've seen both - some with a little white down get darker and feather in black, others keep a few white feathers in the wings. Honestly I haven't paid too much attention to the toes or toenails past hatch. Casual observation (and flawed memory surely) it seems like fewer have white toes at 12-ish weeks when I make the first cut than what I think I've hatched. Usually the ones with white toes have already been selected for culling for other reasons, mostly feather color leakage or green legs. I don't look in their mouths until four to six weeks, and I don't cull any of them until their older when it's easier to see the flaws.
But why Randy? WHY?????

I took a couple big hits this year, first from a raccoon that wiped out around 30 of my birds, and then a couple more issues, one from loosing a large batch of eggs due to a power failure. But I am keeping a couple like I said to piddle with, so you don't know what I might turn out in a few years from what I'm keeping. LOL
Ok folks.. I find myself in a situation...
Randy is no longer in the market for any cemanis... and we were going to trade lines...
Mind you, Randy is a good, highly ethical man... and we have worked out another deal...
But now, I have extra birds I cannot afford to keep...

I am on the edge of seeing my (90% culled out) 2nd generation remnant hit puberty.
Their combs and waddles are looking good for staying black which will be confirmed in 1 more month's time.
You guys have been seeing photos of them from hatch since winter...

If you guys want a pair or so, of my present 13 birds... all "2nd Gens" and young adults...
please PM me and let me know...

If they do stay black, which it appears they will...
I may go into 2nd generation production "only upon request", and for a very limited time, Hatching "2nd Gen" chicks:
PM me and we will talk about a price for some (Post culled out) 4 week old, "2nd Gens",
which I will hatch and cull out for you.... again, only upon request...
And, the price, will be very reasonable as they are "2nd Gen" (2 way mix between Mike's and Smithsonian) not a 4 way genetic cross...
and thus, will have a slight risk of waddle turning, and an estimated 75% cull rate if you wish to breed them....
No pressure: If you all are not interested in any my "2nd Gens", I will simply take what I need for my breeding program and cull the rest.

Guys, I refuse to sale a product that anyone can complain about.
I have seen what happens to the reputations of good folks who "who took a chance" and sold without first proving their product.
This is NOT happening to my business.
I am BIG into communication during and after the sale.
so, I will send you plenty of photos of any bird you are interested in and we will make a deal at that time...
You must tell me you are fully aware of your purchase and are happy with it before I will take your money.

on another note:
My third generation will be a 4 way mix, which will be due to start hatching in late fall 2015.
It will be will be a highly culled out, mix of 4 separate genetic lines... (Mikes line, Tony/Marie line, GFF Line, and Smithsonian line); Effectively making them one of, if not the most genetically diverse, pure cemani line in America!!!
And also, because they are a 4 way mix, they will be my own separate line too... I will call them the "H&H Line"

And the price??? I have no idea...
I will have to see the quality of my product and what the market will bare for them at that time.

As for selling H&H Line hatching eggs.... again, I have no idea if I am going to do that or not... probably not unless you are able to pick them up personally... But...We will see... It all depends on what the "Black" hatch rate is at that time....
So far, I really want to sale only birds so that I can control the quality of the product...

I've been working, and waiting a LONG time without selling, just for all of this... Woohoo!!! Finally!!!

PS: I should also have fresh Pure Raw Honey from my Bee Hives to sale in late fall 2015 as well...

Sooooo.... Please PM me any questions or inquiries....
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Almost all of my 13 second gens birds are called for...
Again, no money has changed hands yet... but... ya better hurry and PM me to get in line...

Did I mention that you guys are great!
Well, you are...
I put "No Crow Collars" on each of my adult roosters...

I put them on over 1 week ago.

I watched for 20 minutes to make sure they could breathe...
which their chest showed was he case...

At first, my roosters completely freaked out, jumping and running backwards... Too Funny
I have not laughed so hard in a long time...

In the end, the roosters and the collars are working together very well...

The crow decibels have been reduced by 2/3 to 3/4...
and BONUS: They make a hilarious wobbling sound instead of a piercing crow!
Again... Making both me and the neighbors laugh...

$20 each collar was a bit high....
but I must, say the results are pretty darn fantastic...
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