The American Paint Silkie

Here is a picture of a splash that may be a paint. I got this girl from Ms. Bobbi Porto from the Scrooge pen that has been throwing paints lately. She is really light and her feathers are completely black. She has more black feathers under her wings. The only "splash" she has is around her hackles. What do normal splash paints look like? I heard someone talking about them being in Sigrids book but I dont own it. Do they normally look half painted with a little splash?



I would guess she a leaky white... possibly an older bird? I have yet to see a paint with a blue beak... not saying they don't exist but I've not noticed it on any. All of mine have black beaks. The thing that is interesting is that this bird has some of the off coloring in it's hackles that plagues the paints. I would breed her to a black and see if you get any paints... that'll tell you for sure what she is. The splash paint will have blue feathers as well... they look more like a splash with larger black spots.
That girl is 6 months old. If I bred her to black, what should I get? Ugh I really wish she was pure splash. She has awesome type.
Thanks all, for the colour info. Joe, if you need a mate for your gray, come get one.
Below are additional photos, siblings to the above grays. Although approx 1/3 of the
chicks from my white show girl male over dutch paint female are
paint, 1/2 of those are naked neck, I get all of these odd colors. These are just a few
of the colours, I have many more.






this male is one of my favorites

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Once the gray grows up, I may come get another to breed em. I love gray and that white/red creamy showgirl! Do you get a lot of those? I need to post pictures of the paint chick you gave me. She got a lot darker!

Do you have any chocolate seramas? You could work on creating chocolate silkies. Those are very rare and only one or two people are working on them. I heard someone mention that seramas are the only breed in America that are actually chocolate and not dun. Not many people can get there hands on chocolate seramas to create chocolate silkies.

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