The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

This is Jax (Sons of Anarchy). I had to rehome him as I had too many drakes. I still have a drake named Chibs (aka Chibby) but have since lost/sold the rest of the SOA crew. Gemma the turkey, Wendy and Tara-golden comet hens, and ducks Juice, Tiggy, and Opie.
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Next - more TV/movie character named flock members?
Yazmin Khan!
I have 15 of these, this is an easy hunt for me!

Next, how about a bird on a fence or wall?
Moonshine on the top rail of the fence, most of which is not in the frame because the background is higher....
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Next show us a bird whose name has a story behind it....
This is Jane Doe a Frizzle Bantam hen who I rescued from a farm I worked at over the summer. She was missing so many feathers I had no idea what variety let alone breed she was so she was named Jane Doe.

Next a chicken or chickens perching on a branch
a picture of your nest box setup in your coop?
Nest setup has evolved and changed over time.
at one point we had this--and the laundry basket was the most popular. But suddenly it lost favor. Everyone wanted the milk crate.
So I removed the basket and added another crate. And the divided wooden nests became one large one with privacy, and I named it The Royal Suite. It was all the rage for a while, but nowadays the milk crates rule. Well, no one is laying right I guess i'll see how it plays out in the spring.
Next any poultry themed kitchen decor...
ETA OR more nest pics
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Next any poultry themed kitchen decor...
ETA OR more nest pics
I missed so many... How about both!

Jewel in a nest crate before I got my real nest boxes built.

and a Christmas present from my hubby a couple years ago

Next I want to see a chicken on a chair
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