The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

August, not quite as a chick, but still a wee baby!
When I first got him about 3 years ago!

A few weeks ago!

Next, more Baby-Adult pictures!
Oh, my Frou-Frou... Sorry if this gets long, but I loved this bird so much. She was consistently my avatar from a few months of age on, and I couldn't bear changing it after she passed, so she continues to be my avatar. This bird was more of a member of the family than any other animal we've owned. She would visit the house nightly, where she'd enjoy a light snack and some gossiping before returning to the coop for bed. She was helpless, I swear. I think she may have had vision problems, the way she would awkwardly stumble over perceived obstacles in her way. Perhaps that's why I grew so attached to her, because she was always needing my help for things. :rolleyes: I still remember her honk-honk voice, which she always replied to my call with, no matter how far away she was. I miss her more than I could ever describe.

Frou-Frou memorial avatar.jpg

So... On to cheerier subjects... :oops: How about your current oldest bird in your flock, and maybe a bit about them? :)
My oldest living bird is a drake named Chibby. At least he is the oldest one from any of my hatches. I’m not sure if any birds acquired by other means are older or not.

A baby pic, and recent pic (in the spirit of the previous hunt lol)

Next - another “then” and “now” hunt

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