The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

@pipdzipdnreadytogo that's perfect! Of course on the arm so they poop right on the seat... all ready for next time you sit down.

Next hunt, since we've now, finally gotten snow here... Remind me what summer looks like? :hit (With chickens or other poultry in the picture, of course. ;) )
And here is summertime!!

I don't know how to keep chickens out of the garden, so I sectioned off their own area.

Next, how about more summer pics?
Scooter the Sebright has decided to use the Easter-eggers as her personal warmers on these suddenly wintery days lately. The EE girls just kind of look at her like she's nuts, but don't shoo her off, so I guess it works? :p Here's Cressida tolerating Scooter burying herself in her feathers. I'd say they look pretty odd standing together like this! :lol:

Cressida and scooter.jpg

Anyone else have or had snowed in birds? How about a picture of what they get up to in the coop when they don't want to go outside?
2 hours+ I don't have a pic of my birds huddling inside the coop, but took this one of the only hen who would venture outside by 10 am--and we only got a dusting of snow over the weekend! It's not as if they haven't seen snow before, a couple of them are going on 3 yrs. old. Big weather event coming next weekend.
dusting (3 of 1).jpg
Next any fowl with both an A and an E in its given name
HA, mine are the same! Some of them are almost 9 years old now and still won't set foot outside if there's the tiniest bit of snow! :rolleyes:

As for the hunt, here is Nadine with... THE LOOK. :p

Nadine indignant.jpg

How about any fowl with a breed or variety with 'Slate' or 'Gray' in the name, or any fowl with gray or slate legs... or maybe even any fowl with Gray or Slate in their given name? :lol: I really need to sit down and come up with some new hunts for my backup list...

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