The bad thing about this BYC section: An Observation


RIP 1938-2020
9 Years
Jul 6, 2010
People will post that "I got an egg from my 6-week old pullet!" (okay maybe not quite that young, but it will be a relative low number.) then some poor newbie BYCer who has 7 -week old chicks panics because his/her's aren't laying. At this point they are convinced they have a bunch of duds or that they are doing something wrong or feeding wrong or some such thing. At any rate they're having a panic attack of deep proportions and they want to know what they have to do to get their pullets laying.

Okay you first timers: That first egg is going to come when the individual bird is ready which will be a combination of facts, age being only one, with breed, temperature, season and just metabolism are some of the others. Pullets are like teenagers and they all mature at different rates so relax and enjoy them.
Nicely put Woodmort. We all mature at our own speed... chickens too. My Speckled Sussex were almost a month behind my Wyandottes. I knew it would happen eventually...
I am new and I want eggs.

But first I want my chickens to be healthy.
Second I want to know if they are boys or girls.
Third I really want Harry to be a
Fourth and I should have posted this one first....I want them to be safe and live a good life.
Then I want some eggs.
And mostly I want to know as much as I can about my chickens so I can have all the above.

There is always going to be some silly stuff. Always going to be some 'wrong' answer given in good faith. But the more I read the better I understand my feathered friends. And that I had way too many roosters.

Hear, hear! Nice post. It amazes me how impatient some people get for their birds to start laying. I know it's exciting, but threatening to cull within x amount of weeks if they don't start by then? People need to just calm down, enjoy their birds, and know they'll start laying when it's the right time for them to do so.

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