The Best Material for Lining a Nest Box


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 15, 2008
My chickens sometimes use the next boxes. I put linoleum tile for the floors, and was lining them with paper from my shredder (best use of junk mail ever) but I think they ate it. As satisifying as it is to see junk mail turned to chicken poop, I figure this is not the best route to go on this.

SO, What do you use to line your nest boxes? Is there a special technique to it? (ie, how deep, stuff it full and let the chickens do what they like, etc.) Cheap and easy is important.

(I'm sure somethread like this is out there, but I did honestly spend some time looking for it)
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I prefer pine shavings for my nest boxes. Then when I clean out I compost them for my garden....

Pine shavings are what I use. Granted, I've not tried anything else but these seem to work for my girls so I'm not going to tinker. I actually have thought about using the shredded paper mixed in with shavings for the floor (I work at a place that shreds lots of stuff) but now am not so sure since you think they eat them.....
Don't buy a great, big bag of pine shavings the first time, though, unless you have other uses for it, too (like the coop floor, etc. ). I tried it with mine, and they would have no part of it, and started to lay on the coop floor (where the straw was). Wheat straw works best for mine (and I love the way their brown eggs look in that natural-looking weat straw nest).
I think I'm going to experiment: I'm going to put straw in one, pine shavings in one, clean lawn leaves* in one, and leave one empty (bare linoleum tile floor). We'll see what they do.

*I've got the deep litter thing going on; my floor is pine saw dust, mostly chopped leaves from the lawn and a little ash from the pellet stove every now and again.

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