The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I don't know. I'm loving this story a lot,,,but,,,,are you sure you don't want to go down the road and buy a new rooster,,bigger and prettier for the lonely girls to coop with??? Could put a whole new twist on the story..Bring it up to a PG ratting,,, ahaha
Now this is what I call the Chicken TV Soaps. Fabulous. Ok, I am ready for chapter 3. And thank you for including the pictures, what beautiful girls. Hope to see the biggest little rooster soon. and at one point, we will be able to say....."Hey we knew LilBizzy first...."

Oh, no! we can't do that. The biggest little rooster has got too be the hero in the end. Besides, I feel bad for him. It truly looks pathetic when he is watching and waiting for the ladies to be let out.

I'll be adding chapter 3 possibly tonight. And have a pic of our loverboy.
and the funny thing is.. Lil and Bizzy are actually cartoon/comic strip characters ( an eagle and a buzzard) I created about 15 years ago. No illustration skills, so no attempt at publishing. But hmm, maybe there will be a new series.. Lil and Bizzy's chicken cousins....
I'm so much enjoying your wonderful real life story. Can't wait to read Chapter 3 and see pictures of the little dude!
I think our knight in shining feathers needs a name.. Any suggestions?


The biggest little rooster settled down with his little flock

but his mind was on the ladies. He knew he should try to sleep, because dreams would be sweet, and the night would go faster. He kept straining his eyes in the night, trying to see if there was a hint of daylight. Several times his heart lept when he thought he saw daylight, but was sadly disappointed when those hints of light disappeared at approximately 35 miles per hour.
Finally, he couldn't take it anymore! He had to come up with a plan!
His little chicken brain thought and thought, and finally he had a plan! He jumped up in excitement, knocking 1 of his little flock off the perch. That chicken fell and fluttered, with the fall knocking over another flockmate, and the fluttering startling another. That startled chicken jumped up, knocking another chicken off the perch. In one split second, they were all awake, and the biggest little rooster could tell his flock was not as excited about his plan as he was. But he didn't care. He was in love.
His plan was to crow, and crow, and crow some more. He thought maybe the humanlady , who is NOT a morning person, might just wake up and let him out early. He knew that the humanladys eyes didn't really open for a while after she woke, so maybe she wouldn't even notice it was still dark.
Unfortunately, the humanlady does NOT get out of bed before the sun comes up, no matter how long and hard the rooster crows right outside her bedroom window.

So, with the great plan foiled, and his hopes crushed, the rooster just waited for daylight. Just like the day before, he waited to be let out and ran to the back of the yard. Today he had an extra thrill, though, because the ladies were all standing right next to the fence waiting for him. They were as excited to see him as he was them!!!!
And thats when he got his second great idea of the day. He couldn't get AROUND the fence.... but maybe.. just maybe...


Aw DARN!!! There's even a fence on TOP.


The poor biggest little rooster- Another great plan foiled!
What a handsome guy he is. Great chapter. I like the name Biggest Little Rooster for him because it seems to fit his personality and certainly his story and struggles. Thank you, thank you for another chapter. I look forward to more.

LilBizzy, perhaps you should attempt to publish again. Perhaps someone on this site is an illustrator? And you can join talents? You never know....just remember your chicken friends and fans here....on BYC.

Keep those soaps coming......

P.S. You are inspiring me to get my girls a rooster!!!!!!!! Dare I do that?

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