The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

The cap to our old truck is out near the coop. Quite frequently one of the girls or Stumpy will go up to the windows and peck at all of those chickens in the glass
Foolish chickens!

The biggest little rooster and his little flock were settling in to a routine. Every morning, one of the girls would immediately escape the run, and head into Left-Hand Neighbor 2’s yard. (The humanlady is waiting for those neighbors to not be home so she can go on an egg hunt.) The two roosters will go back and forth between loving the girls, and preventing each other from loving the girls.
Shortly after being let out of the coop, the biggest little rooster would escape from the run also. It never failed, as soon as they noticed him missing, two girls would follow. He did like the fact that most of the girls wanted to be near him, but sometimes it was like having a little sister tag along.
Even though he could see and talk to the Ladies from inside his run, he liked to escape and visit them on the other side of the Ladies run. It was a little quieter and more private over there. He really didn’t want the littlest little rooster picking up on any of his moves. He knew he was much more sophisticated and much more handsome than the little WeeMan, but he wasn’t about to take any chances.
Since the Ladies hadn’t been let out of their run in the past week, the biggest little rooster really did want some time alone to talk with them. When he talked with the Ladies he felt smart and grown up. The girls were not as fun to talk to. The biggest little rooster felt partially responsible- he hadn’t taken the little ones on adventures like he had done with the Ladies.
These two girls had taken a big shining to the biggest little rooster. They didn’t ask anything of him; they just wanted to be near him. Being the flock leader, the biggest little rooster felt obligated to find bugs for them. He didn’t want to find bugs for them. He wanted to show off for the Ladies.
What he didn’t realize was that the Ladies were very observant. They were quite intelligent also. When the Ladies saw him doing his job as flock leader, they were touched. It warmed their little hearts. The biggest little rooster really had nothing to fear. The Ladies loved him, and only him. They thought WeeMan was a silly little boy, especially when WeeMan would do his awkward little dance, and try to jump on their backs, and smack into the fence. The Ladies almost wished that fence wasn’t between them so they could put that little rooster in his place.
Today, there was a surprise in store. The Ladies were being let out!! There was great excitement and a lot of happy clucking. The biggest little rooster stopped hunting for bugs for the little girls and ran to his Ladies. The girls were smart enough to not follow right away. The girls were not jealous of each other, but they were jealous of the Ladies. They knew the biggest little rooster liked the Ladies better. It was a lot like High School. The biggest little rooster would be the football playing, popular and handsome Junior. The Ladies were the sophisticated Seniors. The Girls would be Freshman.
The biggest little rooster danced around the Ladies. He noticed they were not paying too much attention to him. He started to get disappointed and think bad thoughts. One of the Ladies noticed, and told him not to worry. They enjoyed spending time with him, but it had been a week since they were out of the run. They saw and talked to him every day, so they had no reason to miss him. But they DID miss looking under logs for bugs.
The biggest little rooster understood, and was quite content to walk beside the Ladies, helping them find the best treats. After walking around in the warm sunshine with his Ladies, he decided that you didn’t need an adventure to make the day a great one. sweet ! What a wonderful storyteller you are. I look forward to each and every chapter and adore the pictures. Thank you.

CHAPTER 22- Girls vs Ladies in a Roosters Mind

The days were getting a bit colder and shorter. The biggest little rooster didn’t notice the shorter days- every day seemed too short for him. But he DID notice the cold. It was so windy some days, if he were facing downwind, his feathers would blow up over his face like an inside out umbrella. The girls fuzzy bloomers were blowing, exposing their bare skin. The biggest little rooster tried to not look, but he couldn’t help himself. Those fuzzy butts were cute.
He had seen a picture of the Ladies in their youth. Much to the horror of the Ladies, the humanlady showed him pictures of the Ladies when they were still growing feathers. He thought they were adorable little girls who grew into beautiful, lovely Ladies.

The girls were growing to be pretty young ladies also. They started off with a dozen chickens. The little peanut was not big or strong enough to survive. When they were around 5 weeks old, the humans took away the five obvious little roosters. The biggest little rooster was the biggest of the bunch, but he was so glad the humans didn’t realize he (and his other 2 brothers) were roosters also. The humans brought back the 4 light colored girls and the littlest little rooster (who was smaller than everyone, and did not look at all like a rooster until later). The light colored girls were kind of scrawny, dirty and not very pretty. As they grew older, they did get to be little beauties.
Even if they had turned out as beautiful as the Ladies, the biggest little rooster would have still favored the Ladies. They were prettier on the inside too.
Because of roaming dogs and complaining neighbors, the Ladies had been locked up in their run. The little ones are also locked in the run, but the biggest little rooster and three of the girls were bright enough to escape every day. It was good, in a way, because it kept the roosters from fighting over the girls. The biggest little rooster had his three little girls, and the littlest little rooster also had his own three little girls. The four Ladies were not shared.
The biggest little rooster had a good life, but he was a little sad. He wished things were like before the big brown monster attack, and the complaining lady, and the big black monster that seemed to be loose a lot lately. He had very fond memories of being free with the Ladies in the warm sunshine.
He kept trying to take the girls on adventures, but it just wasn’t the same. They loved him just because he was so handsome, and big and strong, but didn’t seem to appreciate his romantic efforts or his bravery. It was a little disappointing.
When he was feeling a little down, he’d go over to the Ladies. They had good reason to complain, being locked up and all, but they were so compassionate, they would listen to his woes. Their sweet words and flirting would always make the biggest little rooster feel better.
Every time the humanlady came outside, the biggest little rooster would run to her, and give her the saddest, loneliest looking face he could muster, in hopes of her freeing the Ladies. So far, it wasn’t working very well. So, today, when she came out, he didn’t even bother running to her. He was roosting comfortably on a tree branch.
The biggest little rooster closed his eyes. He figured the humanlady was just checking for eggs. He was just starting to snooze when he heard movement. He still didn’t open his eyes. Then, he felt a nuzzling on his face. He opened his eyes, and he saw the humanlady smiling at him, and the Ladies surrounding him. He thought maybe it was a dream. But no, it was real. The Ladies were FREE!
The littlest little rooster needs to learn manners and how to be gentle with the girls. He's just starting to crow, and is still a bit rough and awkward with the girls.
I stand reprimanded;) And I guess my little roo's and I were spoiled by getting a wonderful banty roo to teach excellent rooster manners for free. Hey, rooster manners school, they quickly learn by watching another more experienced and well mannered roo, they really fix that one eye and little brain in concentration and then when they feel they've got it, they imitate...any well mannered roo's nearby? Can you tell I love roosters;) Rootin' for ya, lil big guy...

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