The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Isn't that funny, and so true. I have to say our chickens are pretty immune to construction noises, we've basically built the coop around them. But you're right, Stumpy is definitely the skittiest of all of them. The hens just peck away, and he's on high C at the slightest noise! He settles down well, though, and goes about his rooster business.
LOL, thats not a cocktail.. thats a solar light the hubby attached to the side of the coop so the biggest little rooster wouldn't be afraid to go into the coop when it was dark.
I am just starting to realize the responsiblity that my rooster carries, he is becoming a little chicken him self...

I think your story really teaches chicken behavior..good on ya!
Well, I got some more words of encouragement today, and made a decision- Are ya ready for this?

I'm gonna publish this!!

Now don't get disappointed. I'm going to continue adding chapters until I get the money needed to publish. Having been laid off a week ago, this could take quite sometime before I'm able to do it.
When I do, my loyal readers will get some recognition!
Meanwhile, any critiques would be appreciated. I'm not a writer, Im just an average Joe who happened to get sucked into chickens.

Oh, and the next chapter will be added tomorrow- you are going to LAUGH.
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yeah!!!! I'm so excited to hear that your going to publish it. That is great. You are such a good writer I'm sure you will no problems.
I think you publishing this is a fantastic idea! You go girl!!

It's been such a kick to read each chapter and the pictures have been great to go along with the story.
Well it's about time you take what we've been telling you to heart! We've all said since the beginning to publish, maybe this is the good thing you've been looking all over for. Good luck, keep postin to us loyal subscribers and fans!
CHAPTER 27- Extra, Extra,

The biggest little rooster was in the first left-hand neighbor’s yard. The humans had moved out, and the grass had grown tall. The biggest little rooster pretended he was in a thick jungle. He heard the sounds of wild dogs. The Ladies giggled. There were no wild dogs in the jungle. Were there?
The biggest little rooster insisted there were wild dogs, cats, and other scary things. They all took cautious steps, watching where they put their feet. At every sound, the biggest little rooster would shush the ladies, and slowly lift his head and look around. He put his wing over his eyes to block the sun in order to give himself a better look. When all was safe, they would proceed.
The ladies were giggling and playing along. They could almost imagine it being a real jungle, except for the noise of the cars going by. The biggest little rooster said they were not cars- they were sounds of humans trying to cut the big jungle down.
While they were in the jungle, WeeMan and his girls were climbing on rocks and basking in the warm sunshine. They had a feeling there wouldn’t be too many warm sunny days left to enjoy.

Not all of the girls were present, though. As usual, there were the three escapees. One was off by herself, and the other two were headed for the jungle. In the jungle, the biggest little rooster heard a lot of rustling, and had no idea what it was. He told the ladies to RUN! They all ran as fast as their little legs would take them. They weren’t playing now. This time they were honestly scared. They could hear heavy footsteps behind them.
They didn’t stop running until they got through the jungle, across the second neighbor’s yard, and into the third neighbor’s yard. They stood there huddled behind the biggest little rooster, gasping for breath, watching to see if they were still being followed.
Two girls were running out of the jungle. The biggest little rooster got nervous. He had to make sure they were protected. He started running back toward the jungle when his little brain finally realized something. There were no monsters-it was the girls!
He ran into the jungle just for show. He really did not want the ladies to know they were all scared of two little girls. He didn’t want to embarrass himself, or the ladies.
He decided to play it up, and started to stomp and growl and flap his wings as if he was chasing something away.
When he thought he had made enough of a show he ran back and fussed over the ladies. The girls were wondering what all the fuss was about. They had just come through the jungle and didn’t hear anything. Luckily for the biggest little rooster, the ladies thought the girls were a little slow in the head and not very observant. They never figured out that there was no monster.
That was enough adventure for the day. They all headed back to the coop. WeeMan was being good and rounding up his girls. When they were all in, he went into the coop and settled in for the night. The humanlady didn’t see anyone running around, so she locked up the little coop. By the time she went to the big coop, it was getting quite dark. The ladies were just going in. She opened the door, and shined the flashlight, and noticed something odd.

Do you see what is different with this picture?
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